linuxmint / live-installer

A live installer for the Debian edition
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Partition Guide (PDF / HTML page) #64

Closed anandrkris closed 6 years ago

anandrkris commented 9 years ago This idea pretty much explains it. I believe, this is essential especially for dual-boot users. I follow forums quite regularly and you can see new users struggling to understand partition on Linux.

I would love to see this implemented soon. :smile: Thanks.

My personal story - When I switched from Windows, I had to go through various pages / sites to get a hold on the concepts. fdisk, /devsda, ext4, swap, etc. All these were completely new concepts and fortunately landed up on the this tutorial and suggested to many newcomers in forums.

kernc commented 9 years ago

Indeed. I, too, had plans for this. Two buttons: Help/Instructions and Autopartition with two modes (either full drive or empy space only). Unfortunately, the upkeepers are slow to review my other contributions to-date, so it's all waiting dormant for better times, I guess. :smile:

anandrkris commented 9 years ago

Hmm...Yeah, I actually heard about your overhaul efforts in the clem's response on developers blog and prompted me to suggest this... :smile: Can we have the document perhaps hosted in a [public repo]( repo) when it is available? Perhaps, if you have the time you could visit the forum to see typical issues faced by users during installation. Personally I have not ventured installing linux in my friends newer PC's that're UEFI based as I am apprehensive of screwing up. Some pointers / details on this also would be useful to include in guide. I believe, the guide would need translation work as well.

Installer is the first interface that a new user encounters, we need to make a very good first impression! :wink:

We’ll see. Work started on live-installer actually, kernc is leading the effort on that. We’ve got better language selection, support for autologin, support for installation on multiple hard drives..etc.. I’ll blog about this later as it’s not fully ready yet. I’m also testing this on the very first Betsy ISO (not public, very broken/alpha at this stage) and it ships Cinnamon 2.2 :)

NikoKrause commented 6 years ago

There exists a Linux Mint Installation guide now: