linuxmint / mint-x-icons

Icon theme for Linux Mint
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Add status icons for Redshift #172

Closed pavreh closed 7 years ago

pavreh commented 7 years ago

The icons are taken from ubuntu-mono-dark theme which is included in Redshift upstream.

clefebvre commented 7 years ago

Hi @pavreh,

Sorry I should have mentioned it before in the other PR... there's another issue with this. These aren't symbolic... statusicon doesn't support it. So a light icon will always be light and a dark icon will always be dark. Thus depending on the Cinnamon theme, or GTK theme (depending on the DE), your panel might be dark or light.. and this might look good or out of place.

For this reason we try to stick with fullcolor status icons, as they look fine everywhere.

Eventually one day we might have a framework which is as good as statusicon but which renders its own icon (like indicators do), and when that happens we can use symbolic icons. We're not there yet though, so for now we're better off using fullcolor icons.