linuxmint / mint20-beta

BETA Bug Squah Rush
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xreader.thumbnailer fails to thumbnail files that it could thumbnail in Mint 19.x #143

Closed smurphos closed 4 years ago

smurphos commented 4 years ago


Filetype - cbr (Comic Book Rar) - sample file -

On Mint 19.x

steve@steve-Inspiron-5580:/mnt/backup_drive/Downloads$ mimetype ./example.cbr
./example.cbr: application/x-cbr

This thumbnails fine in 19.3 - application/x-cbr is a supported mimetype in /usr/share/thumbnailers/xreader.thumbnailer

On Mint 20 with the same example file.

steve@steve-VirtualBox:~/Desktop$ mimetype ./example.cbr
./example.cbr: application/vnd.comicbook-rar

Doesn't thumbnail. Manually adding the latter mimetype to /usr/share/thumbnailers/xreader.thumbnailer resolves the issue.

I guess there could be other mimetype changes between 19.x and 20 that could impact thumbnailing?

clefebvre commented 4 years ago

Fixed in upcoming xreader 2.6.3 (awaiting translations to be tagged).