linuxmint / mint20-beta

BETA Bug Squah Rush
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WiFi stopped working twice. #195

Open prateekamana opened 4 years ago

prateekamana commented 4 years ago

When it first stopped working I installed Rtl8821ce-dkms package, and did a secure reboot, which fixed the problem. But today, it happened again, and I had to uninstall the mentioned package and install it again and then do a secure reboot, which solved the problem.

my neofetch

prateek@Amana:~$ neofetch
             ...-:::::-...                 prateek@Amana 
          .-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-.              ------------- 
      .-MMMM`..-:::::::-..`MMMM-.          OS: Linux Mint 20 x86_64 
    .:MMMM.:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:.MMMM:.        Host: VivoBook_ASUSLaptop X571GT_F57 
   -MMM-M---MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.MMM-       Kernel: 5.4.0-37-generic 
 `:MMM:MM`  :MMMM:....::-...-MMMM:MMM:`    Uptime: 1 min 
 :MMM:MMM`  :MM:`  ``    ``  `:MMM:MMM:    Packages: 2451 (dpkg) 
.MMM.MMMM`  :MM.  -MM.  .MM-  `MMMM.MMM.   Shell: bash 5.0.16 
:MMM:MMMM`  :MM.  -MM-  .MM:  `MMMM-MMM:   Resolution: 1536x864 
:MMM:MMMM`  :MM.  -MM-  .MM:  `MMMM:MMM:   DE: Cinnamon 
:MMM:MMMM`  :MM.  -MM-  .MM:  `MMMM-MMM:   WM: Mutter (Muffin) 
.MMM.MMMM`  :MM:--:MM:--:MM:  `MMMM.MMM.   WM Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Teal (Mint-Y-D 
 :MMM:MMM-  `-MMMMMMMMMMMM-`  -MMM-MMM:    Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Teal [GTK2/3] 
  :MMM:MMM:`                `:MMM:MMM:     Icons: Mint-Y-Teal [GTK2/3] 
   .MMM.MMMM:--------------:MMMM.MMM.      Terminal: gnome-terminal 
     '-MMMM.-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-.MMMM-'       CPU: Intel i5-8300H (8) @ 4.000GHz 
       '.-MMMM``--:::::--``MMMM-.'         GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile  
            '-MMMMMMMMMMMMM-'              GPU: Intel UHD Graphics 630 
               ``-:::::-``                 Memory: 1029MiB / 7812MiB