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Eject with WD My Passport Ultra external hard disk #87

Closed BillDietrich closed 6 years ago

BillDietrich commented 6 years ago

I have a WD My Passport Ultra external hard drive. When I plug it in to the PC, immediately a read-only "WD Unlocker" device/drive is mounted (this is normal, it is used under Windows or Mac to provide an app to decrypt and mount the real drive). But then if I umount that drive and try to eject it, eject gives an error. I get the same error (via a dialog) if I use nemo to eject the drive.

I'm using latest Mint 19 Cinnamon.

[Plug in the drive]

$ df
Filesystem             1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sr1                   13212     13212         0 100% /media/user1/WD Unlocker15

$ mount
/dev/sr1 on /media/user1/WD Unlocker15 type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,uhelper=udisks2)

$ umount /dev/sr1

[Drive no longer appears in mount or df]

$ eject -v /dev/sr1
eject: device name is `/dev/sr1'
eject: expanded name is `/dev/sr1'
eject: `/dev/sr1' is not mounted
eject: `/dev/sr1' is not a mount point
eject: `/dev/sr1' is not a multipartition device
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sr1' using CD-ROM eject command
eject: CD-ROM eject command failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sr1' using SCSI commands
eject: SCSI eject failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sr1' using floppy eject command
eject: floppy eject command failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sr1' using tape offline command
eject: tape offline command failed
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument

$ eject -v /dev/nosuchdevice
eject: device name is `/dev/nosuchdevice'
eject: unable to find or open device for: `/dev/nosuchdevice'

$ eject -h
Eject version 2.1.5 by Jeff Tranter (
clefebvre commented 6 years ago

This is upstream from us and off-topic here (not related to mintsystem).

BillDietrich commented 6 years ago

I'm a n00b. Please tell me the right place to file it. Somewhere in Ubuntu or Debian ?