linuxmint / mintupdate

The Linux Mint Update Manager
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[Enhancement] When automatic updates are enabled, do not prevent the PC from being shut down and instead have the PC automatically shut down or restart after updates are installed while still allowing the user to cancel the scheduled shutdown or restart #765

Open NintendoManiac64 opened 1 year ago

NintendoManiac64 commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. If automatic updates are enabled then, if one is done using their PC, they cannot select "shut down" or "restart" and walk away while updates finish installing.

Describe the solution you'd like When updates are automatically being installed, still allow the user shut down or restart their PC but what it will instead do is wait for the updates to finish installing and then shut down or restart.

But during this time when it is waiting, the user should be able to abort the shut down or restart in case they end up needing to use their PC again (basically avoiding the issue that Windows has where you straight-up cannot use your PC if you selected shut down or restart and it ends up installing automatic updates)

Describe alternatives you've considered I suppose one could still put their PC into standby, but that still only just pauses the update installation and doesn't fully cut power. I suppose there's always hibernate, but I'm guessing there's a reason why it seems to be disabled by default.

Additional context Basically I was done using a laptop and was ready to shut it down and walk away from it, but I couldn't because the automatic updates prevented me from even selecting shut down.

EDIT: This also includes the scenario of if you have your OS configured to "shutdown immediately" when the power button is pressed - ideally, when automatic updates are being installed, it should begin the above-explained process of "PC will automatically shutdown when updates have finished installing" while similarly still allowing the user to abort the scheduled auto-shutdown process if updates haven't yet finished installing.