linuxmint / nemo-extensions

A set of extensions for Nemo
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Nemo OGG file tag support missing #447

Open JamesYeoman opened 2 years ago

JamesYeoman commented 2 years ago

Issue #150 mentions PR 145 which mentions a new extension called nemo-metadata-columns. This PR was closed without being merged, and this line in the master branch clearly shows that only MP3 and FLAC are supported.

Since EasyTag intentionally ignores the ReplayGain tags, I was hoping to be able to just view all the tags in Nemo, but it looks like this won't be an option.

Is there any acknowledgement of this shortcoming? Are there any plans to bring support to OGG and other media files?

simonwiles commented 1 year ago

Arrived here looking to find (or add) a feature request for ogg/opus support in nemo-media-columns. The status of nemo-media-columns in the readme for this repo is also unclear.

The code appears to use both pymediainfo and mutagen, either of which seems able to handle ogg/opus files, so it looks like it ought to be quite tractable to add support. Would a PR be welcome (not than I'm promising anything in the very near future, mind), or is there some kind of bigger picture here, given than this seems to have been a lacuna since at least 2016?