Open SebastJava opened 3 years ago
Bump. Let's resume this bug in a simple and clear way...
Say you have 26 files named A,B,C,D,E,F... up to Z You want to select A,C,E, and then all the files from G to M
See ? You don't get the expected result. And this result is different from what you would get using the icon view ! At least, the icon view behaves the same way Windows does, as i remember. And i think i could get what i really expected using a Macintosh, but i can't confirm this, because i don't have a Macintosh.
Issue When selecting files in Nemo using click, then Ctrl-click, and then Shift-click, the resulting selection is... strange.
Steps to reproduce
Test-00 Test-05 Test-10 Test-15 Test-20 Test-25 Test-30
Expected behaviour I would expect one of the followings:
Actual behaviour Shift-click adds all files between the second-last Ctrl-clicked one. So, in this case, files 10,15,20,25,30 are selected... And this is different from the Icon or Compact view behaviours!
Other information That is just one simple example. There are lots of other possible bigger and weirder combinations.
Source This bug was originally reported by Menard on on Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:27 am. It is confirmed by mikeflan and sebastjava.