Same as #72
Adding an image description also adds this text as user comment but incorrectly.
When the description field in Pix is saved this is how exiftool responds
exiftool -imagedescription testshota.JPG
Warning: Invalid EXIF text encoding for UserComment - testshota.JPG
Steps to reproduce
Add some description metadata to any jpeg
issue the command exiftool -imagedescription testshota.JPG
Expected behaviour
The description entered will be output
Issue Same as #72 Adding an image description also adds this text as user comment but incorrectly. When the description field in Pix is saved this is how exiftool responds exiftool -imagedescription testshota.JPG Warning: Invalid EXIF text encoding for UserComment - testshota.JPG
Steps to reproduce Add some description metadata to any jpeg issue the command exiftool -imagedescription testshota.JPG
Expected behaviour The description entered will be output
Other information