linuxmint / timeshift

System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is running or from Live CD/USB.
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I have a ntfs partion mounted on btrfs partition,when i restore,it failed #250

Open lu0se opened 10 months ago

lu0se commented 10 months ago

I have a ntfs partion mounted on btrfs partition,when i restore,it failed

sudo timeshift --debug --restore --snapshot '2023-12-07_13-17-22' --skip-grub
D: Main()
D: Running Timeshift v23.12.1
D: Session log file: /var/log/timeshift/2023-12-07_20-14-38_restore.log
D: Distribution: Arch rolling
D: DIST_ID: Arch
D: Main: check_dependencies()
D: Main: add_default_exclude_entries()
D: Main: add_default_exclude_entries(): exit
D: update_partitions()
D: df -T -B1
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 4
D: Device: get_mounted_filesystems_using_mtab(): 3
D: Device: get_filesystems(): 14
D: partition list updated
D: detect_system_devices()
D: /boot is mapped to device: /dev/nvme0n1p1, UUID=5890-37AB
D: /home is mapped to device: /dev/nvme0n1p3, UUID=c4fe21a8-fb26-4720-95c7-b6006df25b21, subvol=@home
D: / is mapped to device: /dev/nvme0n1p3, UUID=c4fe21a8-fb26-4720-95c7-b6006df25b21, subvol=/timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-12-07_20-00-53/@
D: Searching subvolume for system at path: /
D: Found subvolume: @, on device: /dev/nvme0n1p3
D: Found subvolume: @home, on device: /dev/nvme0n1p3
D: Users: root lu0se
D: Encrypted home users:
D: Encrypted home dirs:

D: Encrypted private dirs:

D: Main: load_app_config()
App config loaded: /etc/timeshift/timeshift.json
D: IconManager: init()
D: found images directory: /usr/share/timeshift/images
D: Main(): ok
D: AppConsole: parse_arguments()
Mounted '/dev/nvme0n1p3' at '/run/timeshift/7993/backup'
btrfs: Quotas are not enabled

To restore with default options, press the ENTER key for all prompts!

Press ENTER to continue...

Data will be modified on following devices:

Device             Mount
-----------------  -----
/dev/nvme0n1p3(@)  /

Please save your work and close all applications.
System will reboot after files are restored.

This software comes without absolutely NO warranty and the author takes no responsibility for any damage arising from the use of this program. If these terms are not acceptable to you, please do not proceed beyond this point!

Continue with restore? (y/n): y
Mounted '/dev/nvme0n1p3' (subvol=@) at '/run/timeshift/7993/restore/'
Mounted '/dev/nvme0n1p1' at '/run/timeshift/7993/restore/boot'
Mounted '/dev/nvme0n1p3' at '/run/timeshift/7993/restore/home'
E: Failed to mount device '/dev/sda2' at mount point '/run/timeshift/7993/restore/run/media/lu0se/HDD'
E: mount: /run/timeshift/7993/restore/run/media/lu0se/HDD: 未知的文件系统类型“ntfs”.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

E: Failed to remove directory
E: Failed to remove directory
lu0se commented 10 months ago'ntfs'

when mount ntfs partion,Partition should be specified,such as mount -t ntfs3 /dev/sda /run/media/HDD