linuxmint / ubiquity

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[WIP] Update #31

Closed DirkHaar closed 7 years ago

DirkHaar commented 7 years ago

Make the installer gtk_ui window resizable to allow more overview on multi-drive/multi-partition machines.

DirkHaar commented 7 years ago

I have no idea how to test that! Would somebody show me where to find a manual or a how-to guide?

clefebvre commented 7 years ago

in a live session, you would edit the file directly and run the installer.

clefebvre commented 7 years ago

I'll mark your PR as WIP for now.

DirkHaar commented 7 years ago

Thanks Clem, I was wasn't able to figure out how to do a test, even with some support via irc.

clefebvre commented 7 years ago

I'm going to close it for now, but I'll give you a few hints in case you want to get this working:

Once in the session you can "locate" and edit it as root to test the installer.

If you make the window resizable, you're creating two regressions...

First, you'll need to change the position of the main window (in ubiquity.ui) from center-always to center.

Second, you'll need to force it to become non-resizable and set back its dimension when it comes to showing the slideshow.

DirkHaar commented 6 years ago

Hi clem, after being bothered with that issue again while installing last week I tested this by simply replacing self.live_installer.set_resizable(False) into self.live_installer.set_resizable(True) in the source. (You have to start and abort the install to do that, otherwise you don't have an editable version, as is on a ro fs only before first start! That's why I wasn't able to figure out how to change that last year - still learning.)

The result is what I expected (see attached screenshot).


The window keeps it size first while the frame can be dragged.

What I didn't expect is that the resize button appears and works automatically! One minor regression is that when you don't resize, the slideshow images are rather small related to the bigger window, but who cares if one knows how to resize the window?

The gain in more security while partitioning is a much bigger advantage.

Please change tat for the next issue, it's only one value.