linuxmint / ubiquity

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Grub install failure (Linux Mint 18.1, LVM and full-disk encryption) #36

Open jfabini opened 7 years ago

jfabini commented 7 years ago

There are two bugs in Ubiquity when installing Linux Mint 18.1 along with other OSs following the instructions on (+1 for offering support for full-disk-encryption when installing Linux in parallel to another OS). These two bugs may cause most of the error reports and questions that can be found on the network. Reproducible on a Lenovo X260 laptop.

Bug 1: When the grub installation fails in Ubiquity, an error pop-up is shown. After clicking OK, the user ends up in the "Bootloader install failed" dialog box. Non-depending what is selected (Choose a different device to install the bootloader on, Continue without a bootloader, cancel the installation) the button has no function - i.e., users are caught in an infinite loop and there's no way of bypassing this dialog.

Bug 2: Grub installation fails within the installation process because Ubiquity fails to configure the GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y line in /etc/default/grub - despite the fact that users have created a physical volume for encryption in the partitioning step and set up Linux on an encrypted partition as outlined in the link above. Because of Bug 1 there's no way to work around this issue, as the installation stops during grub installation. There's a corresponding error message in /var/log/syslog (grub-installer: grub-install.real: error: attempt to install to encrypted disk without cryptodisk enabled. Set 'GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=1' in file '/etc/default/grub' ..). Obviously the error output of grub is also erroneous (should read: GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y and NOT =1).

hih J