This is a suggestion/feature request to include all major Mint desktop environments (Cinnamon, MATE, KDE & Xfce) in unified Mint installer images. The desktop environment would be chosen at boot time from the Grub menu. Additionally a "minimal" or "no desktop environment" option would be a nice to have.
Fewer download options - less choice and confusion for new users
Only one download required for those who want to try/install the different desktop environments (less total bandwidth consumed in this case)
Fewer torrents, more seeders, better availability of installer images
Lower barrier to trying out the different desktop environments - just reboot the Live image (no more burning required)
Fewer DVDs and memory sticks required for administrators
Releases have historically been staggered - all desktop environments would have to be made available at once (this might be easier for Mint >17)
Increased complexity of Live image boot
The installer downloads would obviously be larger (but wouldn't fit on a CD in any case)
The number of installer images could be reduced to five from the current fourteen (not including LMDE), as follows:
Cinnamon, MATE, KDE & Xfce (32 & 64 bit)
Cinnamon, MATE, KDE & Xfce - no codecs (32 & 64 bit)
This is a suggestion/feature request to include all major Mint desktop environments (Cinnamon, MATE, KDE & Xfce) in unified Mint installer images. The desktop environment would be chosen at boot time from the Grub menu. Additionally a "minimal" or "no desktop environment" option would be a nice to have.
The number of installer images could be reduced to five from the current fourteen (not including LMDE), as follows: