linuxmint / warpinator

Share files across the LAN
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.18k stars 80 forks source link

Browsing for files to send issue... #115

Closed imacmill closed 2 years ago

imacmill commented 2 years ago

I'm running Warpinator on two Manjaro boxes, and on both of them, if I 'Browse' for files to send, the browse dialog does not show all files in any given folder. I can't figure out why this is...I thought maybe it's a permissions problem, but in many cases, I own all files in a folder but they don't all show up. Also, if I drag/drop a file from Thunar into the Warpinator window, it frequently fails to send the file with a 'Some files not found' message.

Is this a known problem? Nothing in the github 'Issues' area....

mtwebster commented 2 years ago

What version is this? Is it the flatpak?

mtwebster commented 2 years ago

I'm going to assume this is a flatpak issue.

Flatpak packaging requires us to declare what resources we need access to. Currently we ask for the user's home and /media paths:

Any other locations will be part of an isolated sandbox that the flatpak uses (a Linux file structure, but containing only files particular to the application).