linuxmint / warpinator

Share files across the LAN
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Packaging for Gentoo #151

Open ALTracer opened 1 year ago

ALTracer commented 1 year ago

I have a working ebuild for warpinator-1.2.15 in my user overlay at As I am a daily user of two distros (Gentoo amd64 and Linux Mint 21), I would like to have the software on all machines, and on compatible versions/branches. winpinator and warpinator-android are out of my league, I just use their binary packages. They don't seem to have updated their implementations to 1.4, but the packaging issue is applicable to them as well (, However, I can change something in my Gentoo overlay.

  1. Recently Gentoo maintainers dropped grpcio-1.43.0 and python3_8. Can you please clarify how do I determine compatible protobuf and grpcio versions? Can I just use the last standing stable grpcio-1.51.0 with protobuf-python-4.21.9 and protobuf-21.9? I used to run warpinator-1.2.14 on protobuf-3.20 or older.
  2. What about python3_11 support? We still have python3_10 as the main PYTHON_TARGET, but I feel like 3.11 is imminent soon, and would like to upgrade beforehand without rebuilding the python world twice.
  3. @mtwebster Are 1.2.15 and 1.4.1 versions compatible? Or should I create Gentoo package subslots for :0/1.2 and :0/1.4 to explicitly say "no, incompatible, but you can only have one and not both simultaneously"? I won't remove 1.2.15 until other implementations catch up.

All in all, this is a nice piece of software which seems to "Just Work"(tm) out-of-the-box without me having to setup a NAS-like entity on my (completely managed) GbE+WiFi4/5 home LAN.

mtwebster commented 1 year ago


1) From my testing, warpinator should run on grpcio 1.51 (though you'll probably have to provide your own protobuf files generated for that version - see However, there are some complications to potentially consider:

2) I don't think we're using anything that's likely to be affected by moving from 3.10 to 3.11, so it's probably fine (we already run 3.9 on our debian edition, and 3.10 in Mint 21). If you do run into any incompatibilities feel free to forward any (backward compatible) fixes and we can merge them in.

3) 1.2.15 and 1.4.1 (now 1.4.3) are compatible - there's little difference in them aside from how the group code is presented and enforced. These changes, along with some between 1.2.14 and .15 were made to address, which was discovered in a review by the SUSE security team. This may be an issue with Gentoo - I'm not sure how vulnerabilities are handled there.