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Build and include grpc, protobuf and zeroconf #193

Closed mtwebster closed 8 months ago

mtwebster commented 8 months ago

Added compatible versions in-tree and adjusted dependencies and updated the build.

Copy/paste from some commits:

Include and build grpc 1.59 and protobuf 4.24.4.

    There are a number of versions post-grpc 1.44 that have a bug which
    causes 100% cpu use when idle (polling at a 2ms interval instead of

    1.59 seems to have that fixed, but requires a newer protobuf, so we
    need to build that as well. This gets us out of range of some potential
    vulnerabilities that were discovered in protobuf.

    - change deb build type to 'any' (arch-dependent)
    - remove old dependencies
    - add debug package
Bundle zeroconf instead of downloading at build time.

    Bump to the latest version also, seems to work without issues.