linuxmint / warpinator

Share files across the LAN
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.18k stars 80 forks source link

Warpinator restart needed after VPN disconnect #80

Open JTJersey opened 3 years ago

JTJersey commented 3 years ago

Love Warpinator. I can almost instantly sync files between my office system and my shop system without having to walk back and forth whenever I need to refer to something. Prior to Warpinator it was back and forth with a USB thumb drive. There is an annoyance I've encountered. Whenever I disconnect from my VPN and return to my network Warpinator won't connect to the other system unless I quit it and restart. After that it's fine again. Is there any way to get it to reconnect automatically after I'm out of the VPN? Both systems run Mint Mate 20.1.

dannn-o commented 1 year ago

Adding a vote for this feature as well. Also, I'm currently working with tech support for my VPN provider to get their "Allow LAN Traffic" option to natively support Warpinator so the VPN doesn't have to be shut down in order to transfer a few files.