linuxmint / xed

X-Apps [Text] Editor (Cross-DE, backward-compatible, GTK3, traditional UI)
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AsciiDoc highlighting doesn't colour the 2nd text-block connector correctly #566

Open Alberth289346 opened 1 year ago

Alberth289346 commented 1 year ago

Version/OS info:

$ cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="Linux Mint"
VERSION="21.1 (Vera)"
ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian"
PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 21.1"

$ apt list xed
Listing... Done
xed/vera,now 3.2.8+vera amd64 [installed]

Issue Asciidoc allows to have multiple text-blocks in a single item of a definitoin list. You do this by typing a + at the line between the text-blocks.

Xed hides the + connector before the 3rd text-block (didn't try more text-blocks). It doesn't color it in the same way as the first connector (between the 1st and 2nd text block).

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a new xed, switch to asciidoc highlighting (eg xed a.adoc at the command line).
  2. Type the following
== An ASCIIdoc

Text of the something
Second text
Third text

Text of the something
Second text

Third text
  1. Observe that the + below Second text is coloured differently (and in fact invisible to me):

Screenshot from 2023-01-29 12-11-00

Same text, but selected:

Screenshot from 2023-01-29 12-11-48

Rendered as html after asciidoctor something.adoc. Note how the + has semantic meaning, in the MoreSomething item the Third text is not part of the definition any more, it's text below the definition list.

Screenshot from 2023-01-29 12-12-05

Expected behaviour

All lines with a + should be rendered in the same way

Alberth289346 commented 1 year ago

As a side-note, writing a new text, and saving that as something.adoc doesn't trigger enabling the asciidoc highlighting mode.