linuxserver / Heimdall-Apps

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Add Immich Enhanced app #688

Closed sidevesh closed 7 months ago

sidevesh commented 7 months ago

Trying to add Enhanced app for Immich and I think this implementation would work but I can't test it out locally for the life of me. I have added / upgraded enhanced apps before and this time I just can't get things to work.

I am running heimdall in docker and updating files `/config/www/SupportedApps/Immich` does not show updated options when adding Immich app on dashboard,
restarting container after the change did nothing.
`php artisan register:app --remove Immich` and then `php artisan register:app Immich` does nothing, restarting container after this does nothing.

I have tried following and nothing.

I don't remember this being so confusing before, what am I missing ?

Edit: Got things working locally and resolved issues, this should be good to merge now. Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 10 51 37 AM

I had to edit /app/www/storage/app/supportedapps.json to get updated app.json properties to reflect. Got the idea when I saw

mvdkleijn commented 7 months ago

Nothing changed on that front as far as I'm aware. You made sure your browser isn't caching anything?

I'll try to look at it later today but no promises.

sidevesh commented 7 months ago

I dont see any caching, I see the appload api call when I select Immich when creating app and even after registering the app it returns enhanced as false, the description change does not show up either.

sidevesh commented 7 months ago

also the it seems like the files in /app/SupportedApps/folder which I assume is /app/www/app/SupportedApps/folder keep resetting somehow, I update the php file and after a while it goes back to foundation app state. Any new files, config.blade.php and livestats.blade.php remain though. Really not sure what's happening.

I can confirm that after updating the files in both /app/www/app/SupportedApps/Immich and /config/www//SupportedApps/Immich and register:app --remove and register:app, the appload response still remain unupdated with enhanced false and the description changes not showing up.

sidevesh commented 7 months ago

@mvdkleijn I got the issue of not being able to test things locally fixed, have mentioned in Edit about the process that took, but anyways, I have tested these changes now and this is good to go now.

mvdkleijn commented 7 months ago

@sidevesh Not sure why you'd need to edit supportedapps... should not be necessary I believe.