linuxserver / docker-ddclient

GNU General Public License v3.0
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ddclient process spawned at high frequency #21

Closed sidey79 closed 5 years ago

sidey79 commented 5 years ago

The ddclient process is spwaned after it has finished from the s6-supervise ddclient process. This causes high cpu utilisation, because the process seems never to sleep the defined delay between ddclient checks.

Linux pi2 4.14.98-v7+ #1200 SMP Tue Feb 12 20:27:48 GMT 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux

template settings. -->
    image: linuxserver/ddclient
    container_name: ddclient
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - ./etc/ddclient:/config
    restart: unless-stopped
ddclient        | [s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
ddclient        | [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
ddclient        | [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
ddclient        | [fix-attrs.d] done.
ddclient        | [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
ddclient        | [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...
ddclient        | usermod: no changes
ddclient        |
ddclient        | -------------------------------------
ddclient        |           _         ()
ddclient        |          | |  ___   _    __
ddclient        |          | | / __| | |  /  \
ddclient        |          | | \__ \ | | | () |
ddclient        |          |_| |___/ |_|  \__/
ddclient        |
ddclient        |
ddclient        | Brought to you by
ddclient        | We gratefully accept donations at:
ddclient        |
ddclient        | -------------------------------------
ddclient        | GID/UID
ddclient        | -------------------------------------
ddclient        |
ddclient        | User uid:    911
ddclient        | User gid:    911
ddclient        | -------------------------------------
ddclient        |
ddclient        | [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
ddclient        | [cont-init.d] 30-config: executing...
ddclient        | [cont-init.d] 30-config: exited 0.
ddclient        | [cont-init.d] done.
ddclient        | [services.d] starting services
ddclient        | Setting up watches.
ddclient        | Watches established.
ddclient        | [services.d] done.
ddclient        | SUCCESS:  updating good: IP address set to
ddclient        | WARNING:  found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
ddclient        | WARNING:  unable to determine IP address
ddclient        | SUCCESS:  updating good: IP address set to

Running s6-svscan inside the container brings up a lot of messages:

s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise bin: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise home: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise run: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise etc: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise media: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise lib: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise opt: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise dev: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise mnt: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise srv: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: Permission denied
s6-supervise var: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise root: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise config: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise sbin: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise tmp: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise var/log: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise libexec: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise usr: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise app: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise (child): fatal: unable to exec run: No such file or directory
s6-supervise defaults: warning: unable to spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds
s6-supervise proc: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: No such file or directory
s6-supervise sys: fatal: unable to mkfifodir event: Read-only file system
tobbenb commented 5 years ago

You haven't set the PUID and PGID. That leads to the issue you have. Go check out the Readme and add everything not optional in your compose.

bioshazard commented 2 years ago

I am seeing this behavior as well. It appears the ddclient is being run over and over and over with new PIDs from the s6 supervisor. I have my PUID and GUID set.

Edit: I was just able to mitigate the issue by adding daemon=5m to the mounted /ddclient.conf