When execute docker exec -u abc -it diskover python3 /app/diskover/diskover.py -i diskover-test /data, diskover should executed and store data to elastic.
Current Behavior
dedyms@homelab:~/docker/apptest$ docker exec -u abc -it diskover python3 /app/diskover/diskover.py -i diskover-test /data
_ _ _
| (_) | |
__| |_ ___| | _______ _____ _ __
/ _` | / __| |/ / _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| /)___(\
| (_| | \__ \ < (_) \ V / __/ | (='.'=)
\__,_|_|___/_|\_\___/ \_/ \___|_| (\")_(\")
"Crawling all your stuff."
v2.0-rc.3 community edition (ce)
2022-02-06 13:23:13,532 - elasticsearch - WARNING - HEAD http://elasticsearch:9200/diskover-test [status:401 request:0.018s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/diskover/diskover.py", line 938, in <module>
indexexits = check_index_exists(options.index, es)
File "/app/diskover/diskover_elasticsearch.py", line 123, in check_index_exists
if es.indices.exists(index=indexname):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/elasticsearch/client/utils.py", line 168, in _wrapped
return func(*args, params=params, headers=headers, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/elasticsearch/client/indices.py", line 332, in exists
return self.transport.perform_request(
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/elasticsearch/transport.py", line 415, in perform_request
raise e
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/elasticsearch/transport.py", line 381, in perform_request
status, headers_response, data = connection.perform_request(
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/elasticsearch/connection/http_urllib3.py", line 277, in perform_request
self._raise_error(response.status, raw_data)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/elasticsearch/connection/base.py", line 330, in _raise_error
raise HTTP_EXCEPTIONS.get(status_code, TransportError)(
elasticsearch.exceptions.AuthenticationException: AuthenticationException(401, '')
Steps to Reproduce
Deploy diskover like sampled compose with - xpack.security.enabled=true
Suggestion/Help for test
Change - xpack.security.enabled=false as set it to true, making elastic looking for SSL connection or enforced password login behavior. Not sure which one it is.
Result after
- xpack.security.enabled=false
dedyms@homelab:~/docker/apptest$ docker exec -u abc -it diskover python3 /app/diskover/diskover.py -i diskover-test /data
_ _ _
| (_) | |
__| |_ ___| | _______ _____ _ __
/ _` | / __| |/ / _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| /)___(\
| (_| | \__ \ < (_) \ V / __/ | (='.'=)
\__,_|_|___/_|\_\___/ \_/ \___|_| (\")_(\")
"Holy s*i# there are so many temp files."
v2.0-rc.3 community edition (ce)
2022-02-06 13:24:31,147 - diskover - INFO - Config file: /etc/diskover/config.yaml
2022-02-06 13:24:31,147 - diskover - INFO - Config env var DISKOVERDIR: None
2022-02-06 13:24:31,147 - diskover - INFO - No plugins loaded
2022-02-06 13:24:31,147 - diskover - INFO - Creating index diskover-test...
2022-02-06 13:24:34,075 - diskover_elasticsearch - INFO - Tuning index settings for crawl
2022-02-06 13:24:35,048 - diskover - INFO - maxthreads set to 12
2022-02-06 13:24:35,113 - diskover - INFO - Crawling dir tree /data...
2022-02-06 13:24:35,113 - diskover - INFO - found 7 subdirs at level 1, starting threads...
2022-02-06 13:24:35,115 - diskover - INFO - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0] finished crawling /data (7 dirs, 0 files, 0 B) in 0d:0h:00m:00s
2022-02-06 13:24:36,048 - diskover - INFO - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0] finished crawling /data/zoneminderdata (-1 dirs, 0 files, 0 B) in 0d:0h:00m:00s
2022-02-06 13:24:36,609 - diskover - INFO - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_6] finished crawling /data/Porn (2 dirs, 183 files, 931.52 MB) in 0d:0h:00m:01s
2022-02-06 13:24:38,117 - diskover - INFO - CRAWL STATS (path /data, files 1844, dirs 90, elapsed 0:00:03.004205, perf 651.753 inodes/s, 5 paths still scanning ['/data/RandomFiles', '/data/Pictures', '/data/PDF', '/data/Downloads', '/data/InstaSave'], memory usage 37.37 MB)
2022-02-06 13:24:38,156 - diskover - INFO - ES UPLOAD STATS (path /data, uploaded 1186 docs, elapsed 0:00:03.004205, perf 394.780 docs/s)
2022-02-06 13:24:39,080 - diskover - INFO - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_4] finished crawling /data/Downloads (75 dirs, 1005 files, 91.18 GB) in 0d:0h:00m:03s
2022-02-06 13:24:39,515 - diskover - INFO - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2] finished crawling /data/Pictures (6 dirs, 4463 files, 17.85 GB) in 0d:0h:00m:04s
2022-02-06 13:24:40,141 - diskover - INFO - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_3] finished crawling /data/PDF (640 dirs, 2384 files, 10.86 GB) in 0d:0h:00m:05s
2022-02-06 13:24:40,980 - diskover - WARNING - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1] OS ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/data/RandomFiles/testfolderfromlinux'
2022-02-06 13:24:40,980 - diskover - WARNING - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1] OS ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/data/RandomFiles/testfolderfromwindows'
2022-02-06 13:24:41,189 - diskover - INFO - CRAWL STATS (path /data, files 11231, dirs 1269, elapsed 0:00:06.075956, perf 2321.610 inodes/s, 2 paths still scanning ['/data/RandomFiles', '/data/InstaSave'], memory usage 40.66 MB)
2022-02-06 13:24:41,190 - diskover - INFO - ES UPLOAD STATS (path /data, uploaded 11762 docs, elapsed 0:00:06.075956, perf 1935.827 docs/s)
2022-02-06 13:24:41,291 - diskover - INFO - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1] finished crawling /data/RandomFiles (539 dirs, 3196 files, 36.63 GB) in 0d:0h:00m:06s
2022-02-06 13:24:41,486 - diskover - INFO - [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_5] finished crawling /data/InstaSave (0 dirs, 8288 files, 1.68 GB) in 0d:0h:00m:06s
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** finished walking /data ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** walk files 19519, skipped 1532 ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** walk size 159.1 GB ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** walk du size 158.46 GB ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** walk dirs 1269, skipped 87 ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** walk took 0d:0h:00m:06s ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** walk perf 3515.307 inodes/s ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** docs indexed 20786 ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** indexing perf 3261.143 docs/s ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** bulk uploads took 0d:0h:00m:05s ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - *** warnings/errors 2 ***
2022-02-06 13:24:41,496 - diskover - INFO - Crawling dir tree /data completed in 0d:0h:00m:06s
2022-02-06 13:24:41,497 - diskover_elasticsearch - INFO - Setting index settings back to defaults
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.
Expected Behavior
When execute
docker exec -u abc -it diskover python3 /app/diskover/diskover.py -i diskover-test /data
, diskover should executed and store data to elastic.Current Behavior
Steps to Reproduce
- xpack.security.enabled=true
Suggestion/Help for test
- xpack.security.enabled=false
as set it to true, making elastic looking for SSL connection or enforced password login behavior. Not sure which one it is.Result after
- xpack.security.enabled=false
Compose file
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 CPU architecture: x86_64