linuxserver / docker-kimai

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[BUG] 500 Internal Server Error after fresh install #11

Closed JeremyKennedy closed 3 months ago

JeremyKennedy commented 4 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

I've done a fresh install of Kimai and added a new user to my MariaDB. Kimai successfully connects to the db and runs migrations - I can see the changes in the db. However once Kimai startup finishes, accessing the UI results in a 500 Internal Server Error. I'm accessing it through its port 80 and 443, with the same results. As well, I've created the Kimai user as documented in your README.

Expected Behavior

I expect to see some startup page.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Fresh install on Unraid using Kimai + MariaDB Community Apps template.
  2. See DB migrations running as expected.
  3. Load the page using the port you've mapped to Kimai's port 80 or 443.


I'm running in Unraid, using your Community Apps template for Kimai and MariaDB. The DB connection is working. Kimai fails to load the home page after a fresh install.

CPU architecture


Docker creation

docker run
  -e TZ="America/New_York"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Tower"
  -e 'DATABASE_URL'='mysql://kimai:REDACTED@'
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -e 'UMASK'='022'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon=''
  -p '8090:80/tcp'
  -p '8091:443/tcp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/kimai':'/config':'rw' ''

Container logs

Waiting for DB to be available

Kimai installation running ...

Database `kimai` for connection named default already exists. Skipped.

 [OK] Already at the latest version ("DoctrineMigrations\Version20231130000719")

 Rebuilding your cache, please be patient ...

 // Clearing the cache for the prod environment with debug false                

 [OK] Cache for the "prod" environment (debug=false) was successfully cleared.  

 // Warming up the cache for the prod environment with debug false              

 [OK] Cache for the "prod" environment (debug=false) was successfully warmed.   

 [OK] Congratulations! Successfully installed Kimai version 2.11.0              

Kimai updates running ...

 [OK] Already at the latest version ("DoctrineMigrations\Version20231130000719")

 Rebuilding your cache, please be patient ...

 // Clearing the cache for the prod environment with debug false                

 [OK] Cache for the "prod" environment (debug=false) was successfully cleared.  

 // Warming up the cache for the prod environment with debug false              

 [OK] Cache for the "prod" environment (debug=false) was successfully warmed.   

 [OK] Congratulations! Successfully updated Kimai to version 2.11.0             

[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
[] done.

Kimai logs

[2024-02-17 01:09:32] [request] INFO: Matched route "home". {"route":"home","route_parameters":{"_route":"home","_controller":"Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Controller\\RedirectController::redirectAction","route":"homepage","permanent":true},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} []
[2024-02-17 01:09:33] [cache] INFO: Lock acquired, now computing item "configurations" {"key":"configurations"} []
[2024-02-17 01:09:33] [request] CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: "Unable to generate a URL for the named route "homepage" as such route does not exist." at CompiledUrlGenerator.php line 50 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)"} []
[2024-02-17 01:09:33] [request] CRITICAL: Exception thrown when handling an exception (Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: Unable to generate a URL for the named route "homepage" as such route does not exist. at CompiledUrlGenerator.php line 50) {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)"} []
[2024-02-17 01:09:33] [php] CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: Unable to generate a URL for the named route "homepage" as such route does not exist. {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)"} []
[2024-02-17 01:09:33] [request] CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: "Unable to generate a URL for the named route "homepage" as such route does not exist." at CompiledUrlGenerator.php line 50 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)"} []
[2024-02-17 01:09:33] [request] CRITICAL: Exception thrown when handling an exception (Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: Unable to generate a URL for the named route "homepage" as such route does not exist. at CompiledUrlGenerator.php line 50) {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)"} []
[2024-02-17 01:09:33] [php] CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: Unable to generate a URL for the named route "homepage" as such route does not exist. {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"homepage\" as such route does not exist. at /app/www/vendor/symfony/routing/Generator/CompiledUrlGenerator.php:50)"} []
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the relevant issue templates, or risk having this issue marked as invalid.

JeremyKennedy commented 4 months ago

Update, I took the exact same Docker setup, but switched to the official kimai/kimai2:apache container, and mapped port 8001 as specified in their docs. I then deleted the kimai folder, but did not reset the db. It works now. So, it seems to be an issue with the LSIO container specifically.

fvbuelow commented 4 months ago

Same error here after updating the container on Unraid.

Z0y6h0kS9X commented 4 months ago

I had the same issue - had to downgrade back to 2.11.0-ls39, which resolved the issue for me until a permanent fix is found. Running on UnRaid 6.12.6.

LinuxServer-CI commented 3 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. This might be due to missing feedback from OP. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

homerr commented 3 months ago

Given we've had no other reports of issues since this, and this issue was on the back of an update, I am going to assume this is now resolved (and I have been working on this container/testing it recently with no issue)

If I'm wrong, please re-open and we can try to get to the bottom of what is going on.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

This issue is locked due to inactivity