linuxserver / docker-qbittorrent

GNU General Public License v3.0
912 stars 119 forks source link

[BUG] Cannot access WebUI with completely new docker image and default settings #305

Open joshoram80 opened 2 months ago

joshoram80 commented 2 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

Attempt to access via IP:Port. Get unauthorized

Expected Behavior

WebUI should load

Steps To Reproduce

docker compose up -d


Ubuntu 20.04
Docker install via apt

CPU architecture


Docker creation

# qBittorrent - Torrent downloader
    container_name: qbittorrent
    restart: unless-stopped
    #network_mode: "service:gluetun"
      - 8888:8080 # Explosed via gluetun
      - $DOCKERDIR/appdata/qbittorrent:/config
      - $HTPCDIR/data:/data # Ensure that the downloads folder is set to /data/downloads in qBittorrent
      PUID: $PUID
      PGID: $PGID
      UMASK_SET: 002
      WEBUI_PORT: 8080

Container logs

The WebUI administrator username is: admin
The WebUI administrator password was not set. A temporary password is provided for this session: xxxxxx
You should set your own password in program preferences.
Connection to localhost ( 8080 port [tcp/http-alt] succeeded!
[] done.
github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the relevant issue templates, or risk having this issue marked as invalid.

Arelius-D commented 1 month ago

Mine did also stopp working.. well it's up and running but WebUI can not be accessed.

Docker version 26.1.2, build 211e74b Docker Compose version v2.27.0

    container_name: qbittorrent
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Stockholm
      - WEBUI_PORT=8085
      - TORRENTING_PORT=6881
      - ./:/config
      - /mnt/nas/media:/downloads
    network_mode: "container:gluetun"
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: qmcgaw/gluetun:latest
    container_name: gluetun
      - NET_ADMIN
      - /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun
      - 9075:9075/tcp #HTTP Control Server 
      - 8085:8085 # qBittorrent WebUI
      - 6881:6881/tcp # qBittorrent torrenting port
      - 6881:6881/udp # qBittorrent torrenting port
      - ./:/gluetun
      - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=mullvad
      - VPN_TYPE=wireguard
      - WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY=***************************
      - WIREGUARD_ADDRESSES=***************************/**
      - SERVER_CITIES=***************************
      - TZ=Europe/Stockholm
      - UPDATER_PERIOD=24h
    restart: unless-stopped
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found

      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
      ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
      ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

   Brought to you by

To support LSIO projects visit:


User UID:    1000
User GID:    1000

[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
WebUI will be started shortly after internal preparations. Please wait...

******** Information ********
To control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: http://localhost:8085

Connection to localhost (::1) 8085 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
[] done.
Catching signal: SIGTERM
Exiting cleanly
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
usermod: no changes

      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
      ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
      ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

   Brought to you by

To support LSIO projects visit:


User UID:    1000
User GID:    1000

[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
WebUI will be started shortly after internal preparations. Please wait...

******** Information ********
To control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: http://localhost:8085

Connection to localhost (::1) 8085 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
[] done.
    "Id": "sha256:1b6809438ffedd2993f5c742bb4570910d8be64efe23a4c1191b35823c642ca4",
    "RepoTags": [
    "RepoDigests": [
    "Parent": "",
    "Comment": "buildkit.dockerfile.v0",
    "Created": "2024-05-12T06:57:17.446144088Z",
    "DockerVersion": "",
    "Author": "",
    "Config": {
        "Hostname": "",
        "Domainname": "",
        "User": "",
        "AttachStdin": false,
        "AttachStdout": false,
        "AttachStderr": false,
        "ExposedPorts": {
            "6881/tcp": {},
            "6881/udp": {},
            "8080/tcp": {}
        "Tty": false,
        "OpenStdin": false,
        "StdinOnce": false,
        "Env": [
            "PS1=$(whoami)@$(hostname):$(pwd)\\$ ",
        "Cmd": null,
        "Image": "",
        "Volumes": {
            "/config": {}
        "WorkingDir": "/",
        "Entrypoint": [
        "OnBuild": null,
        "Labels": {
            "build_version": " version:- 4.6.4-r1-ls329 Build-date:- 2024-05-12T06:55:51+00:00",
            "maintainer": "thespad",
            "org.opencontainers.image.authors": "",
            "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2024-05-12T06:55:51+00:00",
            "org.opencontainers.image.description": "The [Qbittorrent]( project aims to provide an open-source software alternative to µTorrent. qBittorrent is based on the Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar library.",
            "org.opencontainers.image.documentation": "",
            "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "GPL-3.0-only",
            "": "15a3e2fef2740b93de6204463999a6b002002abd",
            "org.opencontainers.image.revision": "15a3e2fef2740b93de6204463999a6b002002abd",
            "org.opencontainers.image.source": "",
            "org.opencontainers.image.title": "Qbittorrent",
            "org.opencontainers.image.url": "",
            "org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "",
            "org.opencontainers.image.version": "4.6.4-r1-ls329"
    "Architecture": "arm64",
    "Os": "linux",
    "Size": 235888394,
    "GraphDriver": {
        "Data": {
            "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/a8d07c142c5283f71fac4cd6f6f62c8be54c1b2ab6d0fef6a3cd30ef461eecae/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e9eb7d98959f4ce0176e4612b62dd46cbda3f57ca12833b79fe8c3a84d0bc980/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/fa551102800c274b02d760c33b9280a797c4bbf0ec9c4c2297377b1eca1c1864/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/ecc7d499bc256c26de9008d3a43035c25576f9c7e7cadaa60392d811831a8dbc/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/86da807a5bbef03ac04505490271cc70847e93683f459e85031f3f50f4bbcb28/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/21e59c6bb3def6a2aff202b44b5261bf8dc6de2a1687deef952116ade8f203b2/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/bf0bceb77d01123cec8d38e2adf186d636a1e31353f1c10e226c15131ba6d266/diff",
            "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/1aac10e08e1427381688233654e65cf9c02b129b2a5d4d033f18d416fe985873/merged",
            "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/1aac10e08e1427381688233654e65cf9c02b129b2a5d4d033f18d416fe985873/diff",
            "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/1aac10e08e1427381688233654e65cf9c02b129b2a5d4d033f18d416fe985873/work"
        "Name": "overlay2"
    "RootFS": {
        "Type": "layers",
        "Layers": [
    "Metadata": {
        "LastTagTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
aptalca commented 1 month ago

OP did not do the port mapping correctly. The limitation is explained in the readme.

Second poster's issue is likely gluetun related, which we don't provide support for.

Arelius-D commented 1 month ago

OP did not do the port mapping correctly. The limitation is explained in the readme.

Second poster's issue is likely gluetun related, which we don't provide support for.

You are assuming and you are wrong, cause it has been working without any issues, both services, as I said IT just from everything working fine went to not working. I went ahead and got a older image of qBittorrent and guess what, everything is working.

Assuming shouldn’t be part of troubleshooting.

Roxedus commented 1 month ago

No assumptions are made? Aptalca is just setting expectations that we will not support gluetun.

There are two symptoms here, OPs unauthorized (which is to be expected when the information in the readme about the portmapping is not followed), and your WebUI can not be accessed.

There is not provided enough information to troubleshoot, as the image works fine in our tests, which are not using gluetun.

older image of qBittorrent [...unnecessary hostility..], everything is working

Does not help, what version? some ancient one from years ago? or just 2-3 builds ago?

Arelius-D commented 1 month ago

No assumptions are made? Aptalca is just setting expectations that we will not support gluetun.

There are two symptoms here, OPs unauthorized (which is to be expected when the information in the readme about the portmapping is not followed), and your WebUI can not be accessed.

There is not provided enough information to troubleshoot, as the image works fine in our tests, which are not using gluetun.

older image of qBittorrent [...unnecessary hostility..], everything is working

Does not help, what version? some ancient one from years ago? or just 2-3 builds ago?

I got triggered by that exact fact, there is no need to point out that this team dose not support some other tools, no one is actively or indirectly seeking any support for such situation or issue either..

OP did (and so did) try to run qBittorrent without the dependency of Gluetun. I actually even removed Qluetune and qBittorrent (including Networks) images entirely and restarted the Docker Daemon even. Pulled the latest image of qBittorrent with all new auto generated config files and the problem was exactly the same.

I for one fail to see logical reasons for this issue being related to any other service I'm running so I have not mentioned any of those.

There is no hostility from my part but sure if that is your take of things then that is on you.

We are here reporting the issue encountered, if the logs and so on are not enough then please do point out what else is required.

Roxedus commented 1 month ago

Would probably need a bit more than the issue template asks for. This should cover enough to troubleshoot further.

jzeller2011 commented 1 month ago

I realize does not support gluetun integrations, but I've been having this issue (with gluetun included) and I thought i'd share a workaround that worked for me:

this change persists between restarts/updates. others have had success with compose files with all qbit instances included that list gluetun services last, but I haven't tried that workaround.

LinuxServer-CI commented 4 days ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. This might be due to missing feedback from OP. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

Copyrighter commented 3 days ago

@Arelius-D did You able to resolve problem? I have the same issue. :-( tried to recreate on QNAP with newer image and from working environment went to ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. locally on docker bash I'm able to use curl http://:8080 and ping to docker from machine on the same network is working. only port 8080 is rejected from machine on the same network.

Arelius-D commented 2 days ago


did You able to resolve problem?

I have the same issue. :-(

tried to recreate on QNAP with newer image and from working environment went to ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.

locally on docker bash I'm able to use curl http://:8080 and ping to docker from machine on the same network is working.

only port 8080 is rejected from machine on the same network.

Hey man, yes, couple of updates later it all works again without any changes to my compose files. So this is (was) an issue with this container (qBittorrent) and not at all related to Gluetun.

Copyrighter commented 2 days ago

@Arelius-D thank man!!! :-)

I found the problem ... it's with docker problem of MAC Address propagation.

Copyrighter commented 2 days ago

@Roxedus I found a bug in a Docker running on QNAP Docker Station.

WebUI is not accessible after Docker deployment in Bridge mode with Static IP and Default Ports. Error message: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Locally from Docker the port :8080 is accessible both in and Static IP. the ICMP is working from Machine in the same network. but, no telnet to Static IP:8080.

from Docker, no ICMP to DG ... but is working to Local Machine ... as mentioned ...

the resolution which works everytime: ICMP from Docker to Local Machine ( not from Machine to a Docker ). then ICMP to DG is starting to work. and now :8080 is accessible from local network.

hope it will help to someone.