linuxserver / docker-raneto

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"Error Saving Page" in subfolders #8

Closed rbnhln closed 4 years ago

rbnhln commented 4 years ago

Error by edeting markdown-files in the webinterface depending on subfolder location.

Expected Behavior

The error occurs if I try to edit a MD-File in the webinterface. It works if the MD file is located under /config/content/example/ If the file is moved one level down e.g. to /config/content/example/subfolder/ it can no longer be edited.

Current Behavior

Error message displayed by hitting save: "Error Saving Page"

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a MD-File under /config/content/example/
  2. Edeting in webinterface works
  3. Moving fole to /config/content/example/subfolder/
  4. Edeting in webinterface fails


OS: ubuntu 19.10 / ubuntu 18.04 CPU architecture: x86_64
How docker service was installed: apt / offical docker-repo

Command used to create docker container (run/create/compose/screenshot)

compose.yml ## Docker logs

If it fails: POST /rn-edit 200 1.712 ms - 108 If it works: POST /rn-edit 200 7.503 ms - 35

thelamer commented 4 years ago

Yep it sure does, though this needs to be reported upstream. you might want to piggyback on this issue: We only wrap this software in a docker container, and this is something outside of our control.