linuxserver / docker-swag

Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in Certbot (Let's Encrypt) client. It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.66k stars 231 forks source link

[FEAT] nginx-mod-http-zstd #487

Open garfieldairlines opened 1 week ago

garfieldairlines commented 1 week ago

Is this a new feature request?

Wanted change

Would be great to have zstd too !

Reason for change

It's finally implemented in firefox.

Proposed code change

aptalca commented 1 week ago

Looks like this package was added in alpine 3.20.

SWAG is currently based on 3.19, but will move over to 3.20 in the near future. We'll make sure to add it during the rebase.
