linuxserver / docker-unifi-network-application

GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] DBNAME_stat authorization problem at first launch #29

Closed Nyxtorm closed 2 months ago

Nyxtorm commented 7 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

On first startup, Unifi is unable to list collections for the MongoDB unifinetwork_stat database only.

The first unifinetwork database is filled without any problem.

unifinetwork :

unifinetwork> db.getUsers()
  users: [
      _id: 'unifinetwork.unifinetwork',
      userId: new UUID("9e498b63-0164-4f1f-8ea0-96361996e98e"),
      user: 'unifinetwork',
      db: 'unifinetwork',
      roles: [ { role: 'readWrite', db: 'unifinetwork' } ],
      mechanisms: [ 'SCRAM-SHA-1', 'SCRAM-SHA-256' ]
  ok: 1

unifinetwork_stat :

unifinetwork_stat> db.getUsers()
  users: [
      _id: 'unifinetwork_stat.unifinetwork',
      userId: new UUID("9d1b4f4c-f2e3-4b63-ae76-1d0806ccc330"),
      user: 'unifinetwork',
      db: 'unifinetwork_stat',
      roles: [ { role: 'readWrite', db: 'unifinetwork_stat' } ],
      mechanisms: [ 'SCRAM-SHA-1', 'SCRAM-SHA-256' ]
  ok: 1
{"t":{"$date":"2023-11-10T20:35:58.667+01:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":20436,   "ctx":"conn84","msg":"Checking authorization failed","attr":{"error":{"code":13,"codeName":"Unauthorized","errmsg":"not authorized on unifinetwork_stat to execute command { listCollections: 1, filter: {}, cursor: {}, nameOnly: true, authorizedCollections: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"85d89b46-c83b-4989-b7a7-2f721e18a977\") }, $db: \"unifinetwork_stat\", $readPreference: { mode: \"primaryPreferred\" } }"}}}

Expected Behavior

On first startup, the unifinetwork_stat database should not cause any errors by using the same identifier as the unifinetwork database.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Clean install of MongoDB 7 on another Debian host (just users created with roles)
  2. On UNRAID, install unifi application and set docker's MongoDB vars (user, password, dbname, host)
  3. Launch app


- MongoDB 7.0.3 on another local Debian host
- Docker on UNRAID 6.12.4

CPU architecture


Docker creation

docker run
  -e TZ="Europe/Paris"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="carbon"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="unifi-network-application"
  -e 'MONGO_USER'='unifinetwork'
  -e 'MONGO_HOST'='mongodb-host'
  -e 'MONGO_PORT'='27017'
  -e 'MONGO_DBNAME'='unifinetwork'
  -e 'MEM_LIMIT'='1024'
  -e 'MEM_STARTUP'='1024'
  -e 'MONGO_TLS'=''
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -e 'UMASK'='022'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon=''
  -p '8443:8443/tcp'
  -p '3478:3478/udp'
  -p '10001:10001/udp'
  -p '8080:8080/tcp'
  -p '1900:1900/udp'
  -p '8843:8843/tcp'
  -p '8880:8880/tcp'
  -p '6789:6789/tcp'
  -p '5514:5514/udp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/unifi-network-application':'/config':'rw' ''

Container logs

Caused by: com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 13 (Unauthorized): 'not authorized on unifinetwork_stat to execute command { listCollections: 1, cursor: {}, nameOnly: true, $db: "unifinetwork_stat", lsid: { id: UUID("127f5963-4ff0-4269-b003-c6b580295588") } }' on server mongodb-host:27017. The full response is {"ok": 0.0, "errmsg": "not authorized on unifinetwork_stat to execute command { listCollections: 1, cursor: {}, nameOnly: true, $db: \"unifinetwork_stat\", lsid: { id: UUID(\"127f5963-4ff0-4269-b003-c6b580295588\") } }", "code": 13, "codeName": "Unauthorized"}
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.ProtocolHelper.getCommandFailureException(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.InternalStreamConnection.receiveCommandMessageResponse(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.InternalStreamConnection.sendAndReceive(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.UsageTrackingInternalConnection.sendAndReceive(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.DefaultConnectionPool$PooledConnection.sendAndReceive(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.CommandProtocolImpl.execute(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.DefaultServer$DefaultServerProtocolExecutor.execute(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.DefaultServerConnection.executeProtocol(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.DefaultServerConnection.command(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.DefaultServerConnection.command(
        at com.mongodb.internal.connection.DefaultServer$OperationCountTrackingConnection.command(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.CommandOperationHelper.createReadCommandAndExecute(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.ListCollectionsOperation.lambda$execute$1(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.OperationHelper.lambda$withSourceAndConnection$2(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.OperationHelper.withSuppliedResource(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.OperationHelper.lambda$withSourceAndConnection$3(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.OperationHelper.withSuppliedResource(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.OperationHelper.withSourceAndConnection(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.ListCollectionsOperation.lambda$execute$2(
        at com.mongodb.internal.async.function.RetryingSyncSupplier.get(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.ListCollectionsOperation.execute(
        at com.mongodb.internal.operation.ListCollectionsOperation.execute(
        at com.mongodb.client.internal.MongoClientDelegate$DelegateOperationExecutor.execute(
        at com.mongodb.client.internal.MongoIterableImpl.execute(
        at com.mongodb.client.internal.MongoIterableImpl.iterator(
        at com.mongodb.client.internal.MongoIterableImpl.forEach(
        at com.mongodb.client.internal.MappingIterable.forEach(
        at com.mongodb.client.internal.MappingIterable.into(
        at com.ubnt.service.system.intsuper.ø00000(Unknown Source)
        at com.ubnt.service.system.intsuper.afterPropertiesSet(Unknown Source)
        ... 76 common frames omitted
[2023-11-10 20:26:53,436] <launcher> ERROR StandardContext - One or more listeners failed to start. Full details will be found in the appropriate container log file
[2023-11-10 20:26:53,437] <launcher> ERROR StandardContext - Context [] startup failed due to previous error

EDIT 1 :

# mongosh "mongodb://unifinetwork:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@"
Current Mongosh Log ID: 654e95d0c645e106d11d8358
Connecting to:          mongodb://<credentials>@
Using MongoDB:          6.0.11
Using Mongosh:          2.0.2

For mongosh info see:

unifinetwork_stat> db.createCollection("test")
{ ok: 1 }
unifinetwork_stat> db.getCollectionNames()
[ 'test' ]
unifinetwork_stat> db.getCollectionInfos()
    name: 'test',
    type: 'collection',
    options: {},
    info: {
      readOnly: false,
      uuid: new UUID("e371fd7c-5bf9-4153-9d1a-e6817bb9fe00")
    idIndex: { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' }

EDIT 2 :

{"t":{"$date":"2023-11-10T21:59:52.616+01:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":51800,   "ctx":"conn8","msg":"client metadata","attr":{"remote":"","client":"conn8","doc":{"driver":{"name":"mongo-java-driver|sync","version":"4.6.1"},"os":{"type":"Linux","name":"Linux","architecture":"amd64","version":"6.1.49-Unraid"},"platform":"Java/Private Build/"}}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-11-10T21:59:52.644+01:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":20250,   "ctx":"conn8","msg":"Authentication succeeded","attr":{"mechanism":"SCRAM-SHA-256","speculative":true,"principalName":"unifinetwork","authenticationDatabase":"unifinetwork","remote":"","extraInfo":{}}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-11-10T21:59:52.646+01:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":20436,   "ctx":"conn8","msg":"Checking authorization failed","attr":{"error":{"code":13,"codeName":"Unauthorized","errmsg":"not authorized on unifinetwork_stat to execute command { listCollections: 1, cursor: {}, nameOnly: true, $db: \"unifinetwork_stat\", lsid: { id: UUID(\"87017751-7a8c-4588-b790-291d4207a96f\") } }"}}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-11-10T21:59:52.654+01:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":22944,   "ctx":"conn8","msg":"Connection ended","attr":{"remote":"","connectionId":8,"connectionCount":6}}
github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the relevant issue templates, or risk having this issue marked as invalid.

Nyxtorm commented 7 months ago

In the README :

db.getSiblingDB("MONGO_DBNAME").createUser({user: "MONGO_USER", pwd: "MONGO_PASS", roles: [{role: "dbOwner", db: "MONGO_DBNAME"}]});
db.getSiblingDB("MONGO_DBNAME_stat").createUser({user: "MONGO_USER", pwd: "MONGO_PASS", roles: [{role: "dbOwner", db: "MONGO_DBNAME_stat"}]});

It seems the role for the unifi_stat database must also be defined on the unifinetwork database and not unifinetwork_stat :

db.createUser( { user: "unifinetwork", pwd: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", roles: [ { role: "dbOwner", db: "unifinetwork" }, { role: "dbOwner", db: "unifinetwork_stat" } ] } )`


  user: "MONGO_USER",
  pwd: "MONGO_PASS",
  roles: [
    { role: "dbOwner", db: "MONGO_DBNAME" },
    { role: "dbOwner", db: "MONGO_DBNAME_stat" }
jack60612 commented 7 months ago

the readme should be updated :), should i open a pr?

thespad commented 7 months ago

We're addressing this in the next build of the image, but for existing users if you edit your and remove the &authsource=unifi from the mongo URI strings it should fix the problem (or you can alter the permissions for the user, both should achieve the same result).

nickholway commented 7 months ago

In my case I had to make the following changes to to get it to work.


Hopefully, this helps someone

sxb1n9 commented 7 months ago

the fix for this is only to change the 2 line mongo script to this

db.getSiblingDB("MONGO_DBNAME").createUser({user: "MONGO_USER", pwd: "MONGO_PASS", roles: [{role: "dbOwner", db: "MONGO_DBNAME"}, { role: "dbOwner", db: "MONGO_DBNAME_stat" }]});

LinuxServer-CI commented 6 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. This might be due to missing feedback from OP. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

siikanen commented 5 months ago

This is still valid issue. Readme should be updated

LinuxServer-CI commented 4 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. This might be due to missing feedback from OP. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue is locked due to inactivity