linuxserver / emulatorjs

Self hosted web based retro emulation front end with rom and art management.
379 stars 26 forks source link

More Hash Updates (Video/Logo Updates included for many as well) #134

Closed gr33k closed 1 week ago

gr33k commented 5 months ago

Atari 7800

I see there are 59 games that were ever released for the Atari 7800. I have uploaded the missing videos, so hopefully this is a full collection now on your server:

Panasonic 3DO

Many games and video updates - missing some adult games..maybe missing a few titles but pretty full set


Minor Doom Update (Doom 1,2,Ultimate,Evilution):

Gameboy Color

Was missing Pokemon Yellow(!) Plus a few more updated videos/logos:

Sega CD

Video/Logo Updates mainly:


Minestorm 2 updated video/logo:


Should be all released games now with video/logos:

Sega 32x

Few more videos/logos:

GameBoy Advanced




Atari Lynx

Minor Video/Logos added:

Nintendo 64

Minor Pokemon Stadium (1) video/logo:


Minor Earthbound video/logo fixed:

PC Engine

Fixed 2 Japanese games missing videos (and 1 logo):

More to follow....I'll post them on this thread - still working on updating some more.

gr33k commented 5 months ago

Couldn't help but notice that some entries are flagged "Green" but are missing videos (they just have logos). Is there a way to flag these yellow (or keep them grey) perhaps? It would make it much easier for someone to find the entries which have missing items (it should be yellow/grey if it's missing logo OR video I suppose). Currently, I have to scroll through the GUI to find ones that are missing videos (or click each game through the rom management list and check if video is missing).

I also noticed that sometimes roms without art appear back in the game list (despite that I've click remove roms with no art). I'm not 100% certain what's causing it restarting the docker container, or some other actions. I have to go through and click each system "remove roms with no art" again (would be cool to have a global button to remove from all systems).

Side note - if we could add as a scan source - it would likely pick up many of these as well. It could be optional. A good example of this can be found here I suppose:

thelamer commented 5 months ago

@gr33k I can't grab these CIDs, and I recall last time you had to re-upload. What I suspect is happening is you are upgrading the container and losing the /data/.ipfs directory in the process.

What is the volume config on your container? If you are doing the rom directory mounts I changed that recently:

Mounting in existing rom directories Read Only can be achieved by using a special root path /roms, For example for NES:

-v /path/to/nes/roms:/roms/nes:ro

thelamer commented 5 months ago

adding the paste from NDS to close it out:

gr33k commented 5 months ago

Sorry @thelamer - I will repost all those when I have some time to go through and grab them all again...I just haven't had the time recently.

Here is my build script:

echo 'Building EmulatorJS'
echo 'Stopping EmulatorJS'
docker stop emulatorjs
echo 'Updating Image..'
docker pull
docker rm emulatorjs
echo 'Building Image..'
docker create \
  --name=emulatorjs \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e TZ=America/Los_Angeles \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -p 88:80 \
  -p 4001:4001 `#optional` \
  -v /data/Containers/emulatorjs:/config \
  -v /data/Containers/emulatorjs:/data \
  -v /data/Consoles/MAME_emulatorjs:/data/arcade/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Atari2600:/data/atari2600/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Atari7800:/data/atari7800/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Colecovision:/data/colecovision/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Gameboy:/data/gb/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/GameboyAdvance:/data/gba/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/GameboyColor:/data/gbc/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/AtariJaguar:/data/jaguar/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/AtariLynx:/data/lynx/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/N64:/data/n64/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/NES:/data/nes/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Panasonic3DO:/data/3do/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Odyssey2:/data/odyssey2/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Sega32X:/data/sega32x/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/chd_segacd/CHD-SegaCD-NTSC:/data/segaCD/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/GameGear:/data/segaGG/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaGenesis:/data/segaMD/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaMaster:/data/segaMS/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaSaturn/USA_Roms:/data/segaSaturn/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SG1000:/data/segaSG/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/snes:/data/snes/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/VirtualBoy:/data/vb/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/GCEVectrex:/data/vectrex/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/PSXISO/PSXISO_out:/data/psx/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/TurboGrafx16:/data/pce/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/WonderswanColor:/data/ws/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/DOOM:/data/doom/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/Microsoft_MSX:/data/msx/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/Nintendo_DS_Collection/NintendoDS_Emulators/roms:/data/nds/roms \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Atari5200:/data/atari5200/roms \
  --restart unless-stopped \
docker start emulatorjs
echo 'Done!'
thelamer commented 5 months ago

Yeah checkout the readme in the docker-emulatorjs repo, you want to start using the /roms ro method detailed there. That way stuff will survive upgrades. Need to swap out all the /data/Consoles mounts and make sure there are no rooms directories in the Containers data directories (there shouldn't be right now)

gr33k commented 5 months ago

Here is the repost - I set ro on all my mounts and will refrain either way from updating/restarting it until I see you have imported them ;) THANKS FOR ADDING ATARI5200 (Included it here)









Gameboy Advanced:

Gameboy Color:


















All I have so far :)

thelamer commented 5 months ago

I still cannot get any of these can you ensure at least one file can be pulled from a pub gateway IE

gr33k commented 5 months ago

How can I test this?

I did a curl from the container to that URL and I got a response...

A wget says:

root@56bfb92c759e:/# wget
Connecting to (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests

Upon trying again a little later I get an error 500 (maybe expected as I'm not sure wget is a good test here - but I did get reply from other end):

Connecting to (]
(wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error)

Here is the netstat from the container:

root@56bfb92c759e:/# netstat
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       
tcp        0      0 56bfb92c759e:4001     ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 56bfb92c759e:4001 ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 56bfb92c759e:4001   ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 56bfb92c759e:4001 ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 56bfb92c759e:4001 ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 56bfb92c759e:3000       ::ffff: ESTABLISHED 

A curl (all be it not the best example) also got a response "Project ID required" (expected):

root@56bfb92c759e:/# curl ""   -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"   -F "file=@\"/data/atari2600/backgrounds/default.png\""
project id required

Here is the current build script (I couldn't use /rom/console as manager found only the folder - so I retained my folder paths but added ro) - I figured I should paste this here to make sure I didn't screw this part up lol

echo 'Building EmulatorJS'
echo 'Stopping EmulatorJS'
docker stop emulatorjs
echo 'Updating Image..'
docker pull
docker rm emulatorjs
echo 'Building Image..'
docker create \
  --name=emulatorjs \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e TZ=America/Los_Angeles \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -p 88:80 \
  -p 4001:4001 `#optional` \
  -v /data/Containers/emulatorjs:/config \
  -v /data/Containers/emulatorjs:/data \
  -v /data/Consoles/MAME_emulatorjs:/data/arcade/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Atari2600:/data/atari2600/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Atari7800:/data/atari7800/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Colecovision:/data/colecovision/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Gameboy:/data/gb/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/GameboyAdvance:/data/gba/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/GameboyColor:/data/gbc/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/AtariJaguar:/data/jaguar/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/AtariLynx:/data/lynx/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/N64:/data/n64/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/NES:/data/nes/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Panasonic3DO:/data/3do/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Odyssey2:/data/odyssey2/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Sega32X:/data/sega32x/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/chd_segacd/CHD-SegaCD-NTSC:/data/segaCD/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/GameGear:/data/segaGG/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaGenesis:/data/segaMD/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaMaster:/data/segaMS/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaSaturn/USA_Roms:/data/segaSaturn/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SG1000:/data/segaSG/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/snes:/data/snes/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/VirtualBoy:/data/vb/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/GCEVectrex:/data/vectrex/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/PSXISO/PSXISO_out:/data/psx/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/TurboGrafx16:/data/pce/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/WonderswanColor:/data/ws/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/DOOM:/data/doom/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/Microsoft_MSX:/data/msx/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/Nintendo_DS_Collection/NintendoDS_Emulators/roms:/data/nds/roms:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Atari5200:/data/atari5200/roms:ro \
  --restart unless-stopped \
docker start emulatorjs
echo 'Done!'
thelamer commented 5 months ago

All of your ipfs files are essentially duplicated in /data/Containers/emulatorjs/.ipfs somehow it seems that folder got lost and has been regenerated since you went through and uploaded all your custom files. I'll admit the logic to transition from the old scheme to the /roms symlinks is not perfect but you can shut the container down and just make them manually if need be this is all the container would do itself. IE

docker stop emulators
cd /data/Containers/emulatorjs/arcade
rm -Rf roms 
ln -s /roms/arcade roms

Then the mount line in docker would be:

-v /data/Consoles/MAME_emulatorjs:/roms/arcade:ro

You also cannot use the same directory for /config and /data like that it should be

-v /data/Containers/emulatorjs-config:/config

Or something else just not identical.

Now this does not solve the underlying problem the .ipfs directory was lost between a container upgrade or up/down so that data needs to be backfilled into the .ipfs directory. Short of manually going through all the uploads again you can exec into the running container and run ipfs add IE:

docker exec -it --user 1000:1000 emulatorjs bash
export $HOME=/data
ipfs add /data/arcade/logos/*
ipfs add /data/arcade/videos/*

repeat for any systems you uploaded custom vid/logos for.

I recommend getting the directory mounts correct first then doing a backfill on the running container. Once that is complete you will be able to confirm it worked by hitting the URL as this is one of your custom uploaded assets.

gr33k commented 4 months ago

I've not forgotten about this open issue...Just haven't had a chance to re-do all the folder structures yet - but I will!

gr33k commented 4 months ago

I have restructured the folders and the mounts appear to be working. I also moved the config folder and it had me re-download configs it seems (though it has all the games still appearing). I seem to have to add all roms to config to make them appear on the front end again. No biggie.

Here is my build script if you don't mind verifying that it's good now please:

docker create \
  --name=emulatorjs \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e TZ=America/Los_Angeles \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -p 88:80 \
  -p 4001:4001 `#optional` \
  -v /data/Containers/emulatorjsconfig:/config \
  -v /data/Containers/emulatorjs:/data \
  -v /data/Consoles/MAME_emulatorjs:/roms/arcade:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Atari2600:/roms/atari2600:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Atari7800:/roms/atari7800:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Colecovision:/roms/colecovision:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/Gameboy:/roms/gb:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/GameboyAdvance:/roms/gba:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/GameboyColor:/roms/gbc:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/AtariJaguar:/roms/jaguar:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/AtariLynx:/roms/lynx:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/N64:/roms/n64:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/NES:/roms/nes:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Panasonic3DO:/roms/3do:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Odyssey2:/roms/odyssey2:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Sega32X:/roms/sega32x:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/chd_segacd/CHD-SegaCD-NTSC:/roms/segaCD:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/GameGear:/roms/segaGG:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaGenesis:/roms/segaMD:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaMaster:/roms/segaMS:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SegaSaturn/USA_Roms:/roms/segaSaturn:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/SG1000:/roms/segaSG:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/snes:/roms/snes:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/VirtualBoy:/roms/vb:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/GCEVectrex:/roms/vectrex:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/PSXISO/PSXISO_out:/roms/psx:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/roms/TurboGrafx16:/roms/pce:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/WonderswanColor:/roms/ws:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/DOOM:/roms/doom:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/Microsoft_MSX:/roms/msx:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/Nintendo_DS_Collection/NintendoDS_Emulators/roms:/roms/nds:ro \
  -v /data/Consoles/ROMS/Atari5200:/roms/atari5200:ro \
  --restart unless-stopped \
docker start emulatorjs

When I try the next step to fix IPFS I get an error on the first two commands. Is this something to worry about or can I safely ignore it?

docker exec -it --user 1000:1000 emulatorjs bash
bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied
abc@57d3d7a216a8:/$ export $HOME=/data
bash: export: `/root=/data': not a valid identifier

I wanted to make sure this is ok before I start the arduous process of fixing IPFS :)

Thank you!

thelamer commented 4 months ago

My bad

export HOME=/data

gr33k commented 4 months ago

OK, I did all the ipfs adding and it seems to have completed with no errors. I restarted the container. However, when I go to the URL you provided I get:

The request timed out searching for a file on the non-pinata IPFS network. - ERR_ID:00016

Does it take a while before it syncs up perhaps?

thelamer commented 4 months ago

No it is pretty instant, that cid in particular was from your 3do metadata specifically a logo QmdojTsd6fdxZeAiCTSLnfKRGPx7xoddfhBAXp4yAYvuhD it might simply not be on your machine if you did an ipfs add.

You can pull from your local node to see if it has it:

docker exec -it --user 1000:1000 emulatorjs bash
cd /config
export HOME=/data
ipfs get QmdojTsd6fdxZeAiCTSLnfKRGPx7xoddfhBAXp4yAYvuhD

If not, all the metadata you previously posted might not be valid anymore and things might have gotten mucked up in the migration process, or there might be a connectivity issue with port 4001.

gr33k commented 4 months ago

Hmm it's there - it's the logo from Captain Quazar.

docker exec -it --user 1000:1000 emulatorjs bash
abc@e21b9c0228eb:/$ cd /config
abc@e21b9c0228eb:/config$ export HOME=/data
abc@e21b9c0228eb:/config$ ipfs get QmdojTsd6fdxZeAiCTSLnfKRGPx7xoddfhBAXp4yAYvuhD
Saving file(s) to QmdojTsd6fdxZeAiCTSLnfKRGPx7xoddfhBAXp4yAYvuhD
 60.15 KiB / 60.15 KiB [===================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
abc@e21b9c0228eb:/config$ ls -l
total 1164
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 abc users  11015 Feb 15 08:39 3do.json
-rw-------+ 1 abc users  61593 Feb 17 15:34 QmdojTsd6fdxZeAiCTSLnfKRGPx7xoddfhBAXp4yAYvuhD

I did the 3do ipfs add for 3do for both logo and videos.

Checking the metadata - it seems to be the same as the ones I posted in the pastebin above for 3do as well.

  "859145354994D823FC6A8888A393E541299A4921": {
    "ref": "9C2A3C94A205FA0E24C1A5446BAC0E7048FF7AFF",
    "logo": "QmdojTsd6fdxZeAiCTSLnfKRGPx7xoddfhBAXp4yAYvuhD",
    "vid": "QmQeiCVNsCCr9x6e2ihcS8d9QEaprNu6DdgUH5yW273rFx"
thelamer commented 4 months ago

Well that narrows it down, can you ensure 4001 is piped out to the world ? If your node knows about it and is communicating with other nodes it should be able to be grabbed through any gateway.

gr33k commented 4 months ago

Yep it's open - I scan TCP 4001 from my VPS and it shows open ➜ ~ nmap -p 4001 PORT STATE SERVICE 4001/tcp open newoak

From Container:

abc@e21b9c0228eb:/config$ netstat
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0 e21b9c0228eb:4001   ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 e21b9c0228eb:4001 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 e21b9c0228eb:4001 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 e21b9c0228eb:4001   ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 e21b9c0228eb:4001 ESTABLISHED
gr33k commented 4 months ago

Ok - So I noticed you added Neo Geo Pocket (Thank you!) - I'm done (edited - updated paste list below) uploading all of the videos and logos there - I did notice they appear on the site that you listed - for example:

NeoGeo Pocket:

Checked several files and they seem to load up - so not sure why all the other stuff doesn't :(

gr33k commented 4 months ago

Not sure if you saw @thelamer the new stuff I uploaded made it to your server, but the old stuff still doesn't appear to have. If you have any ideas - happy to try them.

gr33k commented 4 months ago

Hmm - I was checking on the thread for an update and decided to click the links again to see if they are working...not only are they still not working, but the ones that I posted earlier saying they were working are NOT working for me anymore. Perhaps there is an issue retaining the files on the server side? Not sure why it worked before but not anymore :(

The request timed out searching for a file on the non-pinata IPFS network. - ERR_ID:00016

thelamer commented 3 months ago

Yes I noticed that too and honestly have no idea what is going on. Even if things were not being pinned your node should hold the file for 90 days and communicate to the network. Also I know you have contacted the seed server as a peer and I cannot ingest them from there. I don't want to totally give up but in general if you are happy with your setup isn't that what matters?

gr33k commented 3 months ago

I totally agree. I just wanted to share the work - but if it's too crazy to be worth the's ok. I am definitely happy with my setup and LOVE this project man!

Thank you for all your hard work 🍻

LinuxServer-CI commented 2 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. This might be due to missing feedback from OP. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.