Emilie Roberts hadrosaur@google.com offered an untested solution: use immutable samplers.
If a VkSampler uses VkSamplerYCbCrConversion, then the Vulkan spec requires that the sampler be immutably bound to the VkPipeline.
From the Vulkan 1.1.111 spec:
[Y’CBCR] conversion must be fixed at pipeline creation time, through use of a combined image sampler with an immutable sampler in VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding.
Emilie Roberts hadrosaur@google.com offered an untested solution: use immutable samplers.
If a VkSampler uses VkSamplerYCbCrConversion, then the Vulkan spec requires that the sampler be immutably bound to the VkPipeline.
From the Vulkan 1.1.111 spec: