linz / basemaps

NZ’s authoritative and open digital basemap service for LINZ and the public.
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Allow application developers to directly download the output tilesets to facilitate easier self-hosting #3238

Open antonmarsden opened 2 months ago

antonmarsden commented 2 months ago

User Story

In order to build a high traffic map-based application (web/mobile) that uses LINZ tiles, as an application developer I want to be able to self-host the Web Mercator output tilesets on my own infrastructure. (instead of trying to figure out how to build the outputs from this GitHub repo).

I'm sure there could be use cases where developers may want to customise the output, but I suspect most will be happy to consume what you're currently producing.

Acceptance Criteria

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blacha commented 2 months ago

@antonmarsden are you after the aerial imagery (raster) or vector datasets?

All the source raster imagery is stored in a public S3 bucket s3://nz-imagery for more information on how to access and work with the imagery, It is approx 20-30TB of imagery.

For the vector datasets as our schema isn't finalised so we haven't publically published it, it is stored as a ~3GB mbtiles file, its been on my todo list for a while to make the bucket where its stored more public and to just document that the schema may change.

Would you like copy of the latest mbtiles file to see if it would meet your needs?

antonmarsden commented 2 months ago

@blacha The vector dataset is the most useful I think. It's a nice alternative to the raster Topo50. An mbtiles file would do the trick.

blacha commented 2 months ago

Here is a presigned URL that expires in a week with the current topographic mbtiles


We dont have many (any?) public documents on the structure or how the file was made, you can have a look at basemaps-config's topoographic style json for this file to get a rough idea as how we style it

The general gist is we take data from the LINZ data service and then simplify and rename/remap the attributes.

Here is a STAC collection.json of datasets from the LDS that we use: collection.json