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Replace all redundant api2 calls #15

Closed SPlanzer closed 5 years ago

SPlanzer commented 5 years ago

Details for my own purposes to track completeness to api2>3 changes

Click to expand * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found featureType -> ['(class Qgis) has been removed. Use the equivalent QgsWkbTypes::displayString() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | This is a qt dlg object not qgis * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found featureType -> ['(class Qgis) has been removed. Use the equivalent QgsWkbTypes::displayString() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Method name * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found accept -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use save() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Method name * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found accept -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use save() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found buttonBox -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorDialog) has been removed as they were leaking implementation details.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found reject -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use resetValues() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found accept -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use save() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found accept -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use save() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found QgsMapLayerRegistry -> ['==Removed== Its functionality has been moved to QgsProject.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | Replaced with QgsProject * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found subsetString -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) was made const. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++ code implementing derived layer classes will need to update the signature of this method to match.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found QgsMapLayerRegistry -> ['==Removed== Its functionality has been moved to QgsProject.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | Replaced with QgsProject * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found geometryType -> ['(class QgsVectorDataProvider) has been renamed to wkbType() to be in line with QgsVectorLayer'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | Replaced with QgsVectorLayer * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- ??? | local var but might have a layer object assigned to it * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- ??? | local var but might have a layer object assigned to it * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | This is a singleton instance of the Controller * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found canvasMoveEvent -> ['(class QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget) were removed. Handling of events is done in QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Over writing QgsMapTool not related to QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Not releated to QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found canvasReleaseEvent -> ['(class QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget), canvasMoveEvent() were removed. Handling of events is done in QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QgsMapTool.canvasReleaseEvent is un changed * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | local var, assigned via local method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | object property. QT pro assigned * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found buttonBox -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorDialog) has been removed as they were leaking implementation details.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found buttonBox -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorDialog) has been removed as they were leaking implementation details.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found buttonBox -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorDialog) has been removed as they were leaking implementation details.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found buttonBox -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorDialog) has been removed as they were leaking implementation details.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found buttonBox -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorDialog) has been removed as they were leaking implementation details.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found accept -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use save() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found reject -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use resetValues() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | actual ref = action_label * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | This is a singleton instance of the Controller * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | databse instance * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found map -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed because QgsMapCanvasMap is not available in API anymore.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | db prop 'Database name: ' * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT var * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT var * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | QT var * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | This is a singleton instance of the Controller * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found QgsMapLayerRegistry -> ['==Removed== Its functionality has been moved to QgsProject.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found extent -> ['(class QgsMapLayer), styleURI(), exportNamedStyle(), exportSldStyle(), writeXml(), metadata() were made const. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++ code implementing derived layer classes will need to update the signatures of these methods to match.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Does not impact PyQGIS * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found destinationCrs -> ['(class QgsGraphBuilderInterface) now returns a copy instead of a reference to the CRS. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++', '(class QgsMapSettings) now returns a copy instead of a reference to the CRS. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++', '(class QgsPointLocator) now returns a copy instead of a reference to the CRS. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Does not impact PyQGIS * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found transform -> ['(class QgsCoordinateTransformCache) now returns a QgsCoordinateTransform object, not a pointer. An invalid QgsCoordinateTransform will'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action Required | No Action Required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found extent -> ['(class QgsMapLayer), styleURI(), exportNamedStyle(), exportSldStyle(), writeXml(), metadata() were made const. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++ code implementing derived layer classes will need to update the signatures of these methods to match.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Does not impact PyQGIS * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found exportToWkt -> ['(class QgsGeometry) was renamed to asWkt()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | renamed to asWkt() * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found QgsMapLayerRegistry -> ['==Removed== Its functionality has been moved to QgsProject.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | replaced with QgsProject * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Local Str Var * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Local Str Var * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found isValid -> ['(class QgsExpression) has been renamed to checkExpression()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | layer.isValid() is still valid * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found create -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorWidget) has been removed - use ordinary constructor instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found loadNamedStyle -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer): theResultFlag argument is correctly declared as output argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | appear fine QgsVectorLayer.loadNamedStyle is still valid * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found QgsMapLayerRegistry -> ['==Removed== Its functionality has been moved to QgsProject.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | replaced with QgsProject * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | method name * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found featureCount -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) now requires a legend key string instead of a QgsSymbol pointer argument.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action Required | This is featureCount method 2/2 where no parameter is provided * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Private Method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found subsetString -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) was made const. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++ code implementing derived layer classes will need to update the signature of this method to match.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | As above no PyQGIS effects * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | name not related to a QGIS class here * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | name not related to a QGIS class here * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found subsetString -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) was made const. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++ code implementing derived layer classes will need to update the signature of this method to match.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found transform -> ['(class QgsCoordinateTransformCache) now returns a QgsCoordinateTransform object, not a pointer. An invalid QgsCoordinateTransform will'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found extent -> ['(class QgsMapLayer), styleURI(), exportNamedStyle(), exportSldStyle(), writeXml(), metadata() were made const. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++ code implementing derived layer classes will need to update the signatures of these methods to match.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Local Var * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Local Var * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Local Var Though has layers of some form assigned * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Local Var * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found extent -> ['(class QgsMapLayer), styleURI(), exportNamedStyle(), exportSldStyle(), writeXml(), metadata() were made const. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++ code implementing derived layer classes will need to update the signatures of these methods to match.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Not a method * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | string list element * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action required | No Action required * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | String * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Controller Property Name (currentName) * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Postive | The above assigned to local Var "Name" * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Postive | Above Var used to get at property * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found mapCanvas -> ['(class QgsLayerPropertiesWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsRendererRulePropsWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolLayerWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolSelectorDialog) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()', '(class QgsSymbolsListWidget) have been removed in favor of setContext()/context()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | the mapCanvas is a property of the QgisInterface. As I understand it this has not been modified * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found geometryAndOwnership -> ['(class QgsFeature) has been removed. Use geometry() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | geometryAndOwnership replaced with geometry() * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found crs -> ['(class QgsMapLayer) now returns a QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem object, not a reference. This change has no effect for PyQGIS code.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action Required | See above * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found crs -> ['(class QgsMapLayer) now returns a QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem object, not a reference. This change has no effect for PyQGIS code.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action Required | See above * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found transform -> ['(class QgsCoordinateTransformCache) now returns a QgsCoordinateTransform object, not a pointer. An invalid QgsCoordinateTransform will'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Actioned required | QgsCoordinateTransformCache is now handle silienty * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found geometryType -> ['(class QgsVectorDataProvider) has been renamed to wkbType() to be in line with QgsVectorLayer'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | changed to wkbType * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found layers -> ['(class QgsMapSettings) and setLayers() now work with list of layers instead of layer IDs'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | Just a string * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- No Action Required | Name here reffers to the plugins layer object * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found pendingFields -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) was dropped. Use fields() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | pendingFields >> fields() * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found addFeature -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) no longer accepts an alsoUpdateExtent boolean - this extra argument has been ignored for some time'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | alsoUpdateExtent not provided here * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | 'name' == Controller property not QGIS prop * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | 'name' == Controller property * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found geometryType -> ['(class QgsVectorDataProvider) has been renamed to wkbType() to be in line with QgsVectorLayer'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | QgsVectorDataProvider >> wkbType * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- False Positive | 'name' == Controller property * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found selectedFeaturesIds -> ['==Renamed method to== selectedFeatureIds', '(class QgsIFeatureSelectionManager) has been renamed to selectedFeatureIds()', '(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectedFeatureIds()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Actioned | selectedFeaturesIds() >> selectedFeatureIds() * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | This is redundant. Is read from metadata.txt * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found block -> ["(class QgsRasterInterface) has new 'feedback' argument."] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found cache -> ['(class QgsVectorLayerEditUtils) has been removed.', '(class QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand) has been removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- TODO | An independent module (pyratemp) added to this project. this will need to be updated to the py3 version. * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found cancelled -> ['(class QgsFeedback) and isCancelled() has been renamed to canceled() and isCanceled(), respectively '] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isDirty -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) have been removed. Use refresh() to refresh canvas content.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found cancelled -> ['(class QgsFeedback) and isCancelled() has been renamed to canceled() and isCanceled(), respectively '] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isDirty -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) have been removed. Use refresh() to refresh canvas content.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found cancelled -> ['(class QgsFeedback) and isCancelled() has been renamed to canceled() and isCanceled(), respectively '] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found properties -> ['==Renamed method to== strategies'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found property -> ['==Renamed method to== cost'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found property -> ['==Renamed method to== cost'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found clear -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed. Use refresh() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found clear -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed. Use refresh() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isValid -> ['(class QgsExpression) has been renamed to checkExpression()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isValid -> ['(class QgsExpression) has been renamed to checkExpression()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isValid -> ['(class QgsExpression) has been renamed to checkExpression()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found setVisible -> ['(class QgsLayerTreeGroup) is replaced by QgsLayerTreeNode::setItemVisibilityChecked()', '(class QgsLayerTreeLayer) is replaced by QgsLayerTreeNode::setItemVisibilityChecked()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- | * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found setVisible -> ['(class QgsLayerTreeGroup) is replaced by QgsLayerTreeNode::setItemVisibilityChecked()', '(class QgsLayerTreeLayer) is replaced by QgsLayerTreeNode::setItemVisibilityChecked()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isValid -> ['(class QgsExpression) has been renamed to checkExpression()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isValid -> ['(class QgsExpression) has been renamed to checkExpression()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isValid -> ['(class QgsExpression) has been renamed to checkExpression()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found create -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorWidget) has been removed - use ordinary constructor instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isDirty -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) have been removed. Use refresh() to refresh canvas content.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isDirty -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) have been removed. Use refresh() to refresh canvas content.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isDirty -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) have been removed. Use refresh() to refresh canvas content.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found isDirty -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) have been removed. Use refresh() to refresh canvas content.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found property -> ['==Renamed method to== cost'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found expression -> ['(class QgsEditFormConfig), setExpression(), expressionDescription() and setExpressionDescription()', '(class QgsSymbolLayer) was removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found metadata -> ['(class QgsRasterDataProvider) was renamed to htmlMetadata()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found map -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed because QgsMapCanvasMap is not available in API anymore.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found select -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer) replaced by selectByRect()'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found dateFormat -> ['(class QgsRenderChecker), widgetSize() have been removed. Use QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::findBest().config() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found dateFormat -> ['(class QgsRenderChecker), widgetSize() have been removed. Use QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::findBest().config() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found accept -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use save() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found accept -> ['(class QgsAttributeForm) was removed. Use save() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found cache -> ['(class QgsVectorLayerEditUtils) has been removed.', '(class QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand) has been removed.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found create -> ['(class QgsSvgSelectorWidget) has been removed - use ordinary constructor instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found save -> ['(class QgsFeatureRendererV2) expects QgsReadWriteContext reference as the last argument'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found setDirty -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) and isDirty() have been removed. Use refresh() to refresh canvas content.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found clear -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed. Use refresh() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found clear -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed. Use refresh() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found clear -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed. Use refresh() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found clear -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed. Use refresh() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found clear -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed. Use refresh() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found clear -> ['(class QgsMapCanvas) has been removed. Use refresh() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found instance -> ['(class QgsAuthManager) was removed in favor of QgsApplication::authManager() that returns an instance of the Auth Manager'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found cancelled -> ['(class QgsFeedback) and isCancelled() has been renamed to canceled() and isCanceled(), respectively '] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found label -> ['(class QgsVectorLayer), enableLabels(), hasLabelsEnabled(), drawLabels() have been removed. Replaced by labeling based on PAL library, see QgsLabelingEngine.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ Found name -> ['(class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer) and setName() have been removed. Use shape() and setShape() instead.'] * Action | Notes --- | --- Ignored | No QGIS imports * Found 400 API2 usages * Files with API2 usages: * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ -> 65 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ -> 11 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 18 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 15 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 2 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 6 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ -> 11 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 10 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ -> 9 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 11 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ -> 12 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ -> 19 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Util/ -> 65 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 2 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ -> 27 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 5 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 13 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ -> 5 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 5 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 4 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 1 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 56 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 5 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/ -> 4 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 1 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 10 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/Widgets/ -> 1 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/LINZ/gazetteer/gui/ -> 6 usages found * /home/splanzer/git/gazetteer/src/NZGBplugin/ -> 1 usages found *
SPlanzer commented 5 years ago

All QGIS api2 called removed