linz / gazetteer

New Zealand Gazetteer of official place names
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Deprecated functions #252

Closed billgeo closed 3 years ago

billgeo commented 3 years ago

Fixes: #248 Add new line for each issue that was fixed

Change Description:

Fixes deprecated function names since PostGIS 2.1, i.e. ST_Force_2D is now called ST_Force2D ...

Notes for Testing:

  1. Start docker shell (db image) from Master
  2. su postgres
  3. Test that the function fails psql -d gazetteer -c "BEGIN; SELECT gazetteer.gaz_update_export_database(); ROLLBACK;"
  4. Clone the repo git clone
  5. Checkout the PR: gh pr checkout 252
  6. Apply patch: psql -d gazetteer -f gazetteer/src/sql/gazetteer_export_func.sql
  7. Test again: psql -d gazetteer -c "BEGIN; SELECT gazetteer.gaz_update_export_database(); ROLLBACK;"


Source Code Documentation Tasks:

User Documentation Tasks:

Testing Tasks:

Pull Request Management:

billgeo commented 3 years ago

Thanks @SPlanzer