linz / gazetteer

New Zealand Gazetteer of official place names
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Error with make docker-up / docker-compose up -d #97

Closed SPlanzer closed 4 years ago

SPlanzer commented 4 years ago

error with make docker-up / docker-compose up -d

docker-compose up db and qgis containers building but failing with ERROR: for qgis no such image: ...

This is seen running on my local ubuntu18 using qgis image as per PR #95.

Step 5/5 : RUN pip3 install pygments
 ---> Running in 95ee6ec8a588
Requirement already satisfied: pygments in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages
Removing intermediate container 95ee6ec8a588
 ---> 1f4bfa7bae12
Successfully built 1f4bfa7bae12
Successfully tagged linz-gazetteer-qgis:3.10
WARNING: Image for service qgis was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating gazetteer_db_1
Recreating 08d16bf63e65_08d16bf63e65_gazetteer_qgis_1_4f8a8e9887ff

ERROR: for qgis  no such image: sha256:3fa155c8600fa66ed2d9f27cc0e72fb825cbdfe5b6f505aa237ad4f35be19618: No such image: sha256:3fa155c8600fa66ed2d9f27cc0e72fb825cbdfe5b6f505aa237ad4f35be19618
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Makefile:13: recipe for target 'docker-up' failed
make: *** [docker-up] Error 1
SPlanzer commented 4 years ago

hmmm. CI is passing without issue (eg #95).

Must be an issue my end (?)

SPlanzer commented 4 years ago

my fault. the cache caused this issue, I failed to run docker compose-up as docker-compose already created images which I could see from docker images.

Needed to check from docker-compose ps, and remove all old images with this command docker-compose rm, then rebuild again.