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Implement Tree-Structured Conversations in Lionagi #388

Closed ohdearquant closed 3 weeks ago

ohdearquant commented 3 months ago

Issue: Implement Tree-Structured Conversations in Lionagi

Background and Motivation

In lionagi, managing conversation branching efficiently is crucial for handling complex interactions. The current branch/session system has limitations that can be addressed by implementing a tree-structured conversation system. This system would utilize a flow to track conversation branching and a tree graph to structure the interactions.

Why Should We Have It?

  1. Enhanced Navigation: Tree structures provide a clear hierarchical view of conversation paths, making it easier to navigate and manage branches.
  2. Efficient Management: Simplifies operations such as adding, removing, or modifying nodes in the conversation.
  3. Complex Conversations: Can handle complex conversation scenarios more effectively than the current system.

Current Problems

  1. Limited Branch Management: The existing branch/session system may struggle with multiple branches or complex conversation flows.
  2. Metadata and Edge Relations: Current systems might lack the ability to effectively manage metadata and edge relations between different conversation nodes.
  3. Scalability: As conversations grow in complexity, the need for a more robust and scalable system becomes apparent.

Potential for Hypergraph

Current Implementation

Branch Class

class Branch(Node, DirectiveMixin):
    messages: Pile = Field(None)
    progress: Progression = Field(None)
    tool_manager: ToolManager = Field(None)
    system: System = Field(None)
    user: str = Field(None)
    mailbox: Exchange[Mail] = Field(None)
    imodel: iModel = Field(None)

    def __init__(self, system=None, user=None, messages=None, progress=None, tool_manager=None, imodel=None):
        self.system = system or "You are a helpful assistant."
        self.user = user or "user"
        self.messages = messages or pile({})
        self.progress = progress or progression()
        self.tool_manager = tool_manager or ToolManager()
        self.mailbox = Exchange()
        self.imodel = imodel or iModel()

Graph and Tree Classes

class Graph(Node):
    internal_nodes: Pile = pile()

    def add_edge(self, head: Node, tail: Node, condition: Condition | None = None, bundle=False, label=None):
        head.relate(tail, direction="out", condition=condition, label=label, bundle=bundle)

class Tree(Graph):
    root: TreeNode | None = Field(default=None)

    def relate_parent_child(self, parent: TreeNode, children, condition: Condition | None = None, bundle=False):
        for child in to_list_type(children):
            child.relate_parent(parent, condition=condition, bundle=bundle)
        if self.root is None:
            self.root = parent
        self.add_node([parent, *children])

Why We Need Tree-Structured Conversations

Problems in Current Branch/Session System

  1. Linear and Limited Navigation: The current branch/session system operates linearly, which limits the ability to navigate complex branching conversations effectively.
  2. Inadequate Metadata Management: Managing metadata and edge relations between nodes is cumbersome, making it difficult to handle intricate conversation dynamics.
  3. Scalability Issues: The current system may not scale well with an increasing number of conversation branches, leading to performance bottlenecks.

Suggested Implementation

  1. Tree-Structured Conversations:
    • Tree Graph: Use a tree graph to manage conversation branches, providing a hierarchical structure that simplifies navigation and management.
    • Flow Tracking: Integrate a flow system to track the progression of conversations within the tree structure.
class TreeGraph(Graph):
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    def add_conversation_node(self, parent_node, new_node):
        if self.root is None:
            self.root = parent_node
        self.relate_parent_child(parent_node, [new_node])
  1. Metadata and Edge Relations:
    • Enhanced Metadata Management: Store additional metadata at each node and edge to facilitate complex conversation flows.
    • Edge Relations: Maintain detailed relationships between nodes to track conversation paths and branching points.
class EnhancedTree(TreeGraph):
    def add_metadata(self, node, metadata):
        if node in self.internal_nodes:

    def relate_nodes_with_metadata(self, parent, child, metadata):
        self.relate_parent_child(parent, [child])
        self.add_metadata(child, metadata)
  1. Potential for Hypergraph:
    • Hypergraph Exploration: If tree structures are insufficient for handling highly complex interactions, consider using hypergraphs. Hypergraphs allow for multiple edges and multi-node connections, offering greater flexibility.
class HyperGraph(Node):
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = {}
        self.edges = []

    def add_node(self, node_id, data):
        self.nodes[node_id] = data

    def add_edge(self, edge_id, nodes):
        self.edges.append((edge_id, nodes))

Next Steps

  1. Design and Prototype:

    • Develop a prototype of the tree-structured conversation system.
    • Implement the flow tracking and enhanced metadata management.
  2. Testing:

    • Test the system to ensure it handles complex conversation flows efficiently.
    • Evaluate the scalability and performance of the system.
  3. Documentation:

    • Document the new system, providing clear usage instructions.
    • Include examples and best practices for utilizing tree-structured conversations.
  4. Deployment:

    • Integrate and deploy the tree-structured conversation system within lionagi.
    • Monitor the system in real-world scenarios and iterate based on feedback.

By implementing tree-structured conversations, lionagi will be better equipped to handle complex interactions, manage metadata, and scale efficiently. This enhancement will provide a more robust and flexible framework for conversation management. For further details on related indexing systems, please refer to the container index issue.

ohdearquant commented 3 weeks ago

changed to flow base structure,