lioneltrs / goNCommand

Bash script to convert 23 games (Ninja Commando, Ghost Pilots, Art of Fighting 3, Ninja Master's, Magician Lord, Crossed Swords, Sengoku, Super Sidekicks, The Last Blade 2, etc.) to romsets for Final Burn Neo
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 2 forks source link

Other titles from Amazon: Last Blade 2, Kof2003, Metal Slug 4 #2

Closed RedundantCich closed 1 year ago

RedundantCich commented 1 year ago

Did you try extracting them too? They seem to have similar files structure.

RedundantCich commented 1 year ago

OK, Last Blade 2 turned out to be pretty easy. KoF2003 is also playing nicely. I seem to be getting wrong CRC on p1, but maybe that's nothing to worry about.

But Metal Slug 4 seems to be playing much rougher 🗡️ I'll spend some more time on it, and send you a PR (at least for LB2 and KoF2003)

lioneltrs commented 1 year ago

Hi RedundantCich,

  1. I did not start working on Last Blade 2, as there was a Python script "" posted on Good Old Games forum:

  2. I started working on Metal Slug 4. However, it is not as simple as I expected. 263-m1.m1 CRC32 is OK, 263-v1.v1 and 263-v2.v2 match mslug4a CRC32. p1 CRC32 (c67f5c8d) is the one from mslug4h (with encrypted GFX) and p2 too (bc3ec89e). s1 CRC32 (1eaa05e0) is known as mslug4a hack according to /libretro-super/retroarch/media/libretrodb/metadat/fbneo-split/FinalBurn Neo (ClrMame Pro XML, Arcade only).dat Feel free to investigate: so far, I am lost! Edit: I added my work in progress script "goMS4" for Metal Slug 4. It does not work yet, but produces the files that I mentioned. Feel free to use it for your investigations.

  3. KoF2003: I did not start working on it. For p1 with the wrong CRC32, did you try the same "trick" that I used for all the other games, that is: replace byte at address 0x115 (value = 02) by (value = 00)? It is the line almost at the end of all my scripts like:

printf '\x00' | dd of="$MY_OUT_ROM_DIR"/263-p1.p1 bs=1 seek=$((0x115)) count=1 conv=notrunc

I hope it helps.

Thanks for your interest, and keep up the good work! Regards, Lionel

RedundantCich commented 1 year ago

Hi Lionel,

awesome investigation (and great work on the whole repo btw! :))

  1. I think it's cool to add it to your repo for completeness sake (I've set up a Pull Request).

  2. Sounds crazy. I'll take a look if we can do something more with the files in these states.

  3. It seems to be something different. I've tried exchanging that one byte and it didn't help. But maybe it's just a matter of some different tinkering. In general, I think I was overenthusiastic yesterday, because today all of the files are giving me wrong CRCs for kof2003 :D

lioneltrs commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your code: for LB2 it is my first "request", so I hope I did it right.

kof2003: I will check. However, as you wrote, it does not seem simple. Besides the sprites and the sound, I do not find known code for the two processors (Z80 and 68K) matching known CRC32. I summarize what matches known CRC32 below:

kf2k3ps2 // The King of Fighters 2003 - PlayStation 2 (Hack By EGCG) dd6c6a85 271-v1c.v1 ==> yes 0e84f8c1 271-v2c.v2 ==> yes

e42fc226 271-c1c.c1 ==> yes 1b5e3b58 271-c2c.c2 ==> yes d334fdd9 271-c3c.c3 ==> yes 0d457699 271-c4c.c4 ==> yes 8a91aae4 271-c5c.c5 ==> yes 9f8674b8 271-c6c.c6 ==> yes efe714f8 271-c7c.c7 ==> no c015cdb7 271-c8c.c8 ==> no

I used (command line, no decent script yet) :

./ss_unswizzle /home/lionel2/provi/amazon/kof2003/rom/c1.bin odd even
split -b 8388608 even even
split -b 8388608 odd odd

rm -r sprites
rm -r sound
mkdir -p sprites
mkdir -p sound
mv evenaa ./sprites/271-c2c.c2
mv evenab ./sprites/271-c4c.c4
mv evenac ./sprites/271-c6c.c6
mv evenad ./sprites/271-c8c.c8

mv oddaa ./sprites/271-c1c.c1
mv oddab ./sprites/271-c3c.c3
mv oddac ./sprites/271-c5c.c5
mv oddad ./sprites/271-c7c.c7

rm even odd

split -b 8388608 /home/lionel2/provi/amazon/kof2003/rom/v1.bin vv
mv vvaa ./sound/271-v1c.v1
mv vvab ./sound/271-v2c.v2

Feel free to adapt and test. v1.bin could also be the one from kof2003f or KOF2003d (source: mame2003-plus.xml)

Regards, Lionel

lioneltrs commented 1 year ago

I reopen it, as neither MS4 nor KoF2003 are done yet.

RedundantCich commented 1 year ago

I doubt I will be able to solve it by my own, but it's fun to try :D

I'm also searching the internet for some more info. This is something I found for mslug3:

It didn't work out in the end. But maybe there will be better results for mslug4. Though both seem to have simila problem with files from different rom versions.

lioneltrs commented 1 year ago

Yes, it is quite surprising.