lionheart / KeyboardAdjuster

A Swift library that automatically resizes and adjusts views to scroll when a keyboard appears.
Apache License 2.0
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Keyboard frame is incorrect when switching between standard keyboard and a custom input view. #6

Open sgtsquiggs opened 6 years ago

sgtsquiggs commented 6 years ago

Noticed this when I was using UIPickerViews as inputViews in a scrollview with normal UITextFields.


Keyboard helper calculates the correct frame size no matter if it is the standard keyboard or a custom input view


Keyboard helper calculates the correct frame size for the first keyboard/inputview displayed, but then uses the previously displayed keyboard/inputview frame for the next keyboard/inputview.

This does not persist between ViewControllers.

Steps to reproduce:

dlo commented 6 years ago

Thanks @sgtsquiggs. What simulator were you using? If you could attach a screenshot as well and a copy of the constraint you're using to pin the scrollview, that would be super helpful as well. Thank you! 👍