When playing a video through AVPlayer, if you go offline and then background the app, when resuming the player continues to play the buffered content but does not set playbackLikelyToKeepUp or playbackBufferEmpty correctly. This is reproducible across a number of apps that use AVPlayer
Steps to Reproduce:
Play a piece of content with AVPlayer
Go offline (airplane mode)
Background the app
Bring app back into foreground
Continue playing content
Expected Results:
AVPlayer will continue to play content from its buffer and playbackBufferEmpty is still NO until the buffer has been empty, when it will be set to YES. playbackLikelyToKeepUp is set to NO when the buffer runs out.
Actual Results:
Playback continues but playbackBufferEmpty is set to YES immediately and playbackLikelyToKeepUp never set to NO.
iOS 9.3.1 and iOS 9.2.0
This can be demonstrated in a number of apps such as BBC iPlayer and Youtube - load a video and enable subtitles, go offline, background, and then foreground the app, play and once the buffer has run out, the video stops playing but the time continues to tick along and subtitles are still displayed. This also occurs when playing videos in Safari - if you follow the steps above the time continues to tick along and the scrubber continues to move along even though the video has stopped. It seems that you have to background the app to be able to reproduce the problem - if you just go offline and wait playbackLikelyToKeepUp is set correctly.
iPad Mini A1489 and iPhone 6 Plus A1524 over Wifi
26-Apr-2016 04:19 PM
Summary: When playing a video through AVPlayer, if you go offline and then background the app, when resuming the player continues to play the buffered content but does not set playbackLikelyToKeepUp or playbackBufferEmpty correctly. This is reproducible across a number of apps that use AVPlayer
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Results: AVPlayer will continue to play content from its buffer and playbackBufferEmpty is still NO until the buffer has been empty, when it will be set to YES. playbackLikelyToKeepUp is set to NO when the buffer runs out.
Actual Results: Playback continues but playbackBufferEmpty is set to YES immediately and playbackLikelyToKeepUp never set to NO.
Version: iOS 9.3.1 and iOS 9.2.0
Notes: This can be demonstrated in a number of apps such as BBC iPlayer and Youtube - load a video and enable subtitles, go offline, background, and then foreground the app, play and once the buffer has run out, the video stops playing but the time continues to tick along and subtitles are still displayed. This also occurs when playing videos in Safari - if you follow the steps above the time continues to tick along and the scrubber continues to move along even though the video has stopped. It seems that you have to background the app to be able to reproduce the problem - if you just go offline and wait playbackLikelyToKeepUp is set correctly.
Configuration: iPad Mini A1489 and iPhone 6 Plus A1524 over Wifi
Product Version: 9.3.1 Created: 2016-04-26T15:21:23.593340 Originated: 2016-04-26T00:00:00 Open Radar Link: