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21484589: Race Condition in CustomHTTPProtocol between -stopLoading and URLSessionDataDelegate callbacks #9687

Open openradar-mirror opened 8 years ago

openradar-mirror commented 8 years ago


Summary: The CustomHTTPProtocol example code contains a race condition between the CustomHTTPProtocol.clientThread and QNSURLSessionDemux.sessionDelegateQueue. The following sequence of method calls is possible:

  1. URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData: on QNSURLSessionDemux.sessionDelegateQueue
  2. stopLoading on CustomHTTPProtocol.clientThread
  3. URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData: on CustomHTTPProtocol.clientThread

This causes an assertion failure because stopLoading nils CustomHTTPProtocol.task, and all of the URLSessionDataDelegate callback methods assert(self.task == dataTask).

Steps to Reproduce: I was able to reproduce this by loading a page in UIWebView while CustomHTTPProtocol was active. Unfortunately, the page is internal, and I can't expose it to you. However, if should be easy to see in code that the above race condition is at least theoretically possible.

Expected Results: CustomHTTPProtocol should expect this race condition and handle it.

Actual Results: CustomHTTPProtocol traps when assert(self.task == dataTask) fails.

Product Version: Created: 2015-06-22T15:37:52.350340 Originated: 2015-06-22T10:35:00 Open Radar Link:

inantop commented 7 years ago

I don't know what lionheart is, but is apple sample code and I'm running into this problem as well when using a web view.

I find it's easily reproducible on the google home page due to what I'm assuming is the live search, steps to repro are to simply open in a UIWebView with CustomHTTPProtocol active and then spam the input keys on the soft keyboard.

Was there any resolution to this?