lionleaf / dwitter

Social network for short js demos
Apache License 2.0
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Remove extra num_comments annotation #477

Closed stianjensen closed 4 years ago

stianjensen commented 4 years ago

We already prefetch all the comments, since all comments are always rendered (even when a 'load more' button is shown). Therefore, we don't need to also annotate the num_comments on the queryset. I am unsure how much impact this annotation has on performance in production, since I probably don't have a similar enough setup when running locally, but I've confirmed that this refactor at least does not add any SQL queries (the count is 5 with and without this change - 7 when logged in).

According to statistics in New Relic, almost all the time in the HotDweetFeed (the frontpage) is spent executing 3 SQL queries touching the dwitter_comment table. That would be: 1) a COUNT query to check how many objects there are in total (for pagination) - this is done automatically by django - maybe we can optimize this away 2) The main select getting the list of dweets as well as annotations 3) a prefetch to actually load all related comments

With the free version of New Relic, I can't dig deeper into each of the variants or what part of the queries are slow. But I know that all annotations added to the queryset for use as part of (2) also get executed in (1). And this num_comments annotation at least seems safe to start by removing to see what impact it has before investigating which other things may be optimized.

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