lionleaf / dwitter

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Dweet perf improvements #512

Closed ThomasBrierley closed 3 years ago

ThomasBrierley commented 3 years ago

Updated the first commit to remove userFunction's unnecessary object. Detailed explanations are included in each commit message.

sigvef commented 3 years ago

Nice! Would be nice to test this on a set of dweets to see if there are any unforeseen side-effects from the change.

ThomasBrierley commented 3 years ago

Agreed. I've so far checked for specific cases I was aware of using the following dweets:

For performance in Chrome and Firefox:

For 194b unicode unpacking:

For 185b unicode unpacking:

For unicode unpacking with surrounding code:

Regarding the new function definition, I can't forsee any behavioural difference beyond improved performance: u is still a function available to exploit as a function object or simply overwrite without breaking the loop.

Regarding the unicode unpacking, it only replaces substrings matching a eval(unescape(escape....replace(...))) signature - additionally it evaluates the content of eval() to correctly accommodate all variants matching this signature.

Even so, more testing would be good, just not sure what to look for.

ThomasBrierley commented 3 years ago

This should be my final addition. With these 3 improvements my test dweet runs flat out. Firefox from 20 FPS -> 60 FPS Chrome from 1 FPS -> 60 FPS Some discussion on the dev channel in discord relating to this last change to loopbuster.

ThomasBrierley commented 3 years ago

popped off the last commit so loopbuster perf can be tackled separately

ThomasBrierley commented 3 years ago

And it's back again :smile: but simpler and faster.