lipelopesoliveira / pyCOFBuilder

A package for Covalent Organic Frameworks structure assembly based on specific building block, topology and functional groups based on the reticular approach
MIT License
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Selecionar estruturas na literatura com alta cristalinidade e comparar os parâmetros de célula #31

Closed lipelopesoliveira closed 9 months ago

lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

O que deve ser feito?

Selecionar estruturas de COFs que apresentem alta cristalinidade para comparar os dados com as estruturas geradas pelo pyCOFBbuilder

O que será obtido ao final dessa tarefa?

Uma lista de estruturas e arquivos .cif

Possui prazo limite ce conclusão?


Mais alguma outra coisa?


COFs selecionados:

lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

One-Step Construction of Two Different Kinds of Pores in a 2D Covalent Organic Framework

Screenshot from 2022-08-26 10-56-05

lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Exceptional Iodine Capture in 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks

Screenshot from 2022-08-26 10-58-03

lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

High-Precision Size Recognition and Separation in Synthetic 1D Nanochannels

Screenshot from 2022-08-26 10-59-31

lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Energy-storage covalent organic frameworks: improving performance via engineering polysulfide chains on walls


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Confining H3PO4 network in covalent organic frameworks enables proton super flow


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Tuning Pore Heterogeneity in Covalent Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Enzyme Accessibility and Resistance against Denaturants


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Rational Design of Crystalline Covalent Organic for Efficient CO2 Photoreduction with H2O


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Perylene-Based Covalent Organic Frameworks for Acid Vapor Sensing


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Star-shaped two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Mesoporous 2D covalent organic frameworks based on shape-persistent arylene-ethynylene macrocycles


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

2D Covalent Organic Frameworks with Alternating Triangular and Hexagonal Pores


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Highly Emissive Covalent Organic Frameworks


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Chiral induction in covalent organic frameworks


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Porous, Crystalline, Covalent Organic Frameworks



lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Reticular Synthesis of Microporous and Mesoporous 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Crystalline Covalent Organic Frameworks with Hydrazone Linkages


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Self-templated chemically stable hollow spherical covalent organic framework


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Stable, crystalline, porous, covalent organic frameworks as a platform for chiral organocatalysts


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Designed synthesis of large-pore crystalline polyimide covalent organic frameworks


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Ionothermal Synthesis of Imide-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

β‑Ketoenamine-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks Capable of Pseudocapacitive Energy Storage


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Carbon Derived from Soft Pyrolysis of a Covalent Organic Framework as a Support for Small-Sized RuO2 Showing Exceptionally Low Overpotential for Oxygen Evolution Reaction


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Highly photoluminescent two-dimensional imine-based covalent organic frameworks for chemical sensing


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Identification of Prime Factors to Maximize the Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution of Covalent Organic Frameworks


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Lattice Expansion of Highly Oriented 2D Phthalocyanine Covalent Organic Framework Films


lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

Cyano Substituent on the Olefin Linkage: Promoting Rather than Inhibiting the Performance of Covalent Organic Frameworks

Yongliang Yang, Na Luo, Shiyun Lin, Huan Yao, and Yaqi Cai*

ACS Catal. 2022, 12, XXX, 10718–10726

lipelopesoliveira commented 11 months ago

Lewis acid-catalysed formation of two-dimensional phthalocyanine covalent organic frameworks