lipelopesoliveira / pyCOFBuilder

A package for Covalent Organic Frameworks structure assembly based on specific building block, topology and functional groups based on the reticular approach
MIT License
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Escrita do artigo pyCOFBuilder #5

Closed lipelopesoliveira closed 9 months ago

lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

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Example of organic cores, connection groups and functional groups available to generate a COF structures. The organic cores are enconded on the COF string representation using the four letter code presented below the structures. Although arbitrarily defined, the letters are thought to represent an abbreviation of the IUPAC name of the molecule from which the organic core is derived. Q marks the position of the connection groups and Rx marks the position of the functional groups. Both the connection group and functional groups are encoded using the common chemistry abreviation

lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

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lipelopesoliveira commented 2 years ago

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Yongliang Yang, Na Luo, Shiyun Lin, Huan Yao, and Yaqi Cai*

ACS Catal. 2022, 12, XXX, 10718–10726