lipis / flag-icons

:flags: A curated collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration
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ACF Support: Country code with Country name for Select Field #80

Closed yratof closed 8 years ago

yratof commented 9 years ago

I recently used this project within Advanced Custom Fields, allowing a client to choose a flag from a <select> box, which displays on the front end. I Pulled all the countries into the format that is needed for flag-icon-css to work.

The only thing that is needed is the country code to be lowercase, but easier to do when working within a project.

Country codes and their respective countries.

AF : Afghanistan
AX : Åland Islands
AL : Albania
DZ : Algeria
AS : American Samoa
AD : Andorra
AO : Angola
AI : Anguilla
AQ : Antarctica
AG : Antigua and Barbuda
AR : Argentina
AM : Armenia
AW : Aruba
AU : Australia
AT : Austria
AZ : Azerbaijan
BS : Bahamas (the)
BH : Bahrain
BD : Bangladesh
BB : Barbados
BY : Belarus
BE : Belgium
BZ : Belize
BJ : Benin
BM : Bermuda
BT : Bhutan
BO : Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
BQ : Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
BA : Bosnia and Herzegovina
BW : Botswana
BV : Bouvet Island
BR : Brazil
IO : British Indian Ocean Territory (the)
BN : Brunei Darussalam
BG : Bulgaria
BF : Burkina Faso
BI : Burundi
CV : Cabo Verde
KH : Cambodia
CM : Cameroon
CA : Canada
KY : Cayman Islands (the)
CF : Central African Republic (the)
TD : Chad
CL : Chile
CN : China
CX : Christmas Island
CC : Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)
CO : Colombia
KM : Comoros (the)
CD : Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
CG : Congo (the)
CK : Cook Islands (the)
CR : Costa Rica
CI : Côte d'Ivoire
HR : Croatia
CU : Cuba
CW : Curaçao
CY : Cyprus
CZ : Czech Republic (the)
DK : Denmark
DJ : Djibouti
DM : Dominica
DO : Dominican Republic (the)
EC : Ecuador
EG : Egypt
SV : El Salvador
GQ : Equatorial Guinea
ER : Eritrea
EE : Estonia
ET : Ethiopia
FK : Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]
FO : Faroe Islands (the)
FJ : Fiji
FI : Finland
FR : France
GF : French Guiana
PF : French Polynesia
TF : French Southern Territories (the)
GA : Gabon
GM : Gambia (the)
GE : Georgia
DE : Germany
GH : Ghana
GI : Gibraltar
GR : Greece
GL : Greenland
GD : Grenada
GP : Guadeloupe
GU : Guam
GT : Guatemala
GG : Guernsey
GN : Guinea
GW : Guinea-Bissau
GY : Guyana
HT : Haiti
HM : Heard Island and McDonald Islands
VA : Holy See (the)
HN : Honduras
HK : Hong Kong
HU : Hungary
IS : Iceland
IN : India
ID : Indonesia
IR : Iran (Islamic Republic of)
IQ : Iraq
IE : Ireland
IM : Isle of Man
IL : Israel
IT : Italy
JM : Jamaica
JP : Japan
JE : Jersey
JO : Jordan
KZ : Kazakhstan
KE : Kenya
KI : Kiribati
KP : Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)
KR : Korea (the Republic of)
KW : Kuwait
KG : Kyrgyzstan
LA : Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)
LV : Latvia
LB : Lebanon
LS : Lesotho
LR : Liberia
LY : Libya
LI : Liechtenstein
LT : Lithuania
LU : Luxembourg
MO : Macao
MK : Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)
MG : Madagascar
MW : Malawi
MY : Malaysia
MV : Maldives
ML : Mali
MT : Malta
MH : Marshall Islands (the)
MQ : Martinique
MR : Mauritania
MU : Mauritius
YT : Mayotte
MX : Mexico
FM : Micronesia (Federated States of)
MD : Moldova (the Republic of)
MC : Monaco
MN : Mongolia
ME : Montenegro
MS : Montserrat
MA : Morocco
MZ : Mozambique
MM : Myanmar
NA : Namibia
NR : Nauru
NP : Nepal
NL : Netherlands (the)
NC : New Caledonia
NZ : New Zealand
NI : Nicaragua
NE : Niger (the)
NG : Nigeria
NU : Niue
NF : Norfolk Island
MP : Northern Mariana Islands (the)
NO : Norway
OM : Oman
PK : Pakistan
PW : Palau
PS : Palestine, State of
PA : Panama
PG : Papua New Guinea
PY : Paraguay
PE : Peru
PH : Philippines (the)
PN : Pitcairn
PL : Poland
PT : Portugal
PR : Puerto Rico
QA : Qatar
RE : Réunion
RO : Romania
RU : Russian Federation (the)
RW : Rwanda
BL : Saint Barthélemy
SH : Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
KN : Saint Kitts and Nevis
LC : Saint Lucia
MF : Saint Martin (French part)
PM : Saint Pierre and Miquelon
VC : Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
WS : Samoa
SM : San Marino
ST : Sao Tome and Principe
SA : Saudi Arabia
SN : Senegal
RS : Serbia
SC : Seychelles
SL : Sierra Leone
SG : Singapore
SX : Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
SK : Slovakia
SI : Slovenia
SB : Solomon Islands
SO : Somalia
ZA : South Africa
GS : South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
SS : South Sudan
ES : Spain
LK : Sri Lanka
SD : Sudan (the)
SR : Suriname
SJ : Svalbard and Jan Mayen
SZ : Swaziland
SE : Sweden
CH : Switzerland
SY : Syrian Arab Republic
TW : Taiwan (Province of China)
TJ : Tajikistan
TZ : Tanzania, United Republic of
TH : Thailand
TL : Timor-Leste
TG : Togo
TK : Tokelau
TO : Tonga
TT : Trinidad and Tobago
TN : Tunisia
TR : Turkey
TM : Turkmenistan
TC : Turks and Caicos Islands (the)
TV : Tuvalu
UG : Uganda
UA : Ukraine
AE : United Arab Emirates (the)
GB : United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
UM : United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)
US : United States of America (the)
UY : Uruguay
UZ : Uzbekistan
VU : Vanuatu
VE : Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VN : Viet Nam
VG : Virgin Islands (British)
VI : Virgin Islands (U.S.)
WF : Wallis and Futuna
EH : Western Sahara*
YE : Yemen
ZM : Zambia
ZW : Zimbabwe
semplon commented 9 years ago

this my list in array already. maybe useful.

$countries = array("AF" => "Afghanistan",
                    "AX" => "Åland Islands",
                    "AL" => "Albania",
                    "DZ" => "Algeria",
                    "AS" => "American Samoa",
                    "AD" => "Andorra",
                    "AO" => "Angola",
                    "AI" => "Anguilla",
                    "AQ" => "Antarctica",
                    "AG" => "Antigua and Barbuda",
                    "AR" => "Argentina",
                    "AM" => "Armenia",
                    "AW" => "Aruba",
                    "AU" => "Australia",
                    "AT" => "Austria",
                    "AZ" => "Azerbaijan",
                    "BS" => "Bahamas",
                    "BH" => "Bahrain",
                    "BD" => "Bangladesh",
                    "BB" => "Barbados",
                    "BY" => "Belarus",
                    "BE" => "Belgium",
                    "BZ" => "Belize",
                    "BJ" => "Benin",
                    "BM" => "Bermuda",
                    "BT" => "Bhutan",
                    "BO" => "Bolivia",
                    "BA" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
                    "BW" => "Botswana",
                    "BV" => "Bouvet Island",
                    "BR" => "Brazil",
                    "IO" => "British Indian Ocean Territory",
                    "BN" => "Brunei Darussalam",
                    "BG" => "Bulgaria",
                    "BF" => "Burkina Faso",
                    "BI" => "Burundi",
                    "KH" => "Cambodia",
                    "CM" => "Cameroon",
                    "CA" => "Canada",
                    "CV" => "Cape Verde",
                    "KY" => "Cayman Islands",
                    "CF" => "Central African Republic",
                    "TD" => "Chad",
                    "CL" => "Chile",
                    "CN" => "China",
                    "CX" => "Christmas Island",
                    "CC" => "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
                    "CO" => "Colombia",
                    "KM" => "Comoros",
                    "CG" => "Congo",
                    "CD" => "Congo, The Democratic Republic of The",
                    "CK" => "Cook Islands",
                    "CR" => "Costa Rica",
                    "CI" => "Cote D'ivoire",
                    "HR" => "Croatia",
                    "CU" => "Cuba",
                    "CY" => "Cyprus",
                    "CZ" => "Czech Republic",
                    "DK" => "Denmark",
                    "DJ" => "Djibouti",
                    "DM" => "Dominica",
                    "DO" => "Dominican Republic",
                    "EC" => "Ecuador",
                    "EG" => "Egypt",
                    "SV" => "El Salvador",
                    "GQ" => "Equatorial Guinea",
                    "ER" => "Eritrea",
                    "EE" => "Estonia",
                    "ET" => "Ethiopia",
                    "FK" => "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
                    "FO" => "Faroe Islands",
                    "FJ" => "Fiji",
                    "FI" => "Finland",
                    "FR" => "France",
                    "GF" => "French Guiana",
                    "PF" => "French Polynesia",
                    "TF" => "French Southern Territories",
                    "GA" => "Gabon",
                    "GM" => "Gambia",
                    "GE" => "Georgia",
                    "DE" => "Germany",
                    "GH" => "Ghana",
                    "GI" => "Gibraltar",
                    "GR" => "Greece",
                    "GL" => "Greenland",
                    "GD" => "Grenada",
                    "GP" => "Guadeloupe",
                    "GU" => "Guam",
                    "GT" => "Guatemala",
                    "GG" => "Guernsey",
                    "GN" => "Guinea",
                    "GW" => "Guinea-bissau",
                    "GY" => "Guyana",
                    "HT" => "Haiti",
                    "HM" => "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands",
                    "VA" => "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
                    "HN" => "Honduras",
                    "HK" => "Hong Kong",
                    "HU" => "Hungary",
                    "IS" => "Iceland",
                    "IN" => "India",
                    "ID" => "Indonesia",
                    "IR" => "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
                    "IQ" => "Iraq",
                    "IE" => "Ireland",
                    "IM" => "Isle of Man",
                    "IL" => "Israel",
                    "IT" => "Italy",
                    "JM" => "Jamaica",
                    "JP" => "Japan",
                    "JE" => "Jersey",
                    "JO" => "Jordan",
                    "KZ" => "Kazakhstan",
                    "KE" => "Kenya",
                    "KI" => "Kiribati",
                    "KP" => "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
                    "KR" => "Korea, Republic of",
                    "KW" => "Kuwait",
                    "KG" => "Kyrgyzstan",
                    "LA" => "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
                    "LV" => "Latvia",
                    "LB" => "Lebanon",
                    "LS" => "Lesotho",
                    "LR" => "Liberia",
                    "LY" => "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
                    "LI" => "Liechtenstein",
                    "LT" => "Lithuania",
                    "LU" => "Luxembourg",
                    "MO" => "Macao",
                    "MK" => "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of",
                    "MG" => "Madagascar",
                    "MW" => "Malawi",
                    "MY" => "Malaysia",
                    "MV" => "Maldives",
                    "ML" => "Mali",
                    "MT" => "Malta",
                    "MH" => "Marshall Islands",
                    "MQ" => "Martinique",
                    "MR" => "Mauritania",
                    "MU" => "Mauritius",
                    "YT" => "Mayotte",
                    "MX" => "Mexico",
                    "FM" => "Micronesia, Federated States of",
                    "MD" => "Moldova, Republic of",
                    "MC" => "Monaco",
                    "MN" => "Mongolia",
                    "ME" => "Montenegro",
                    "MS" => "Montserrat",
                    "MA" => "Morocco",
                    "MZ" => "Mozambique",
                    "MM" => "Myanmar",
                    "NA" => "Namibia",
                    "NR" => "Nauru",
                    "NP" => "Nepal",
                    "NL" => "Netherlands",
                    "AN" => "Netherlands Antilles",
                    "NC" => "New Caledonia",
                    "NZ" => "New Zealand",
                    "NI" => "Nicaragua",
                    "NE" => "Niger",
                    "NG" => "Nigeria",
                    "NU" => "Niue",
                    "NF" => "Norfolk Island",
                    "MP" => "Northern Mariana Islands",
                    "NO" => "Norway",
                    "OM" => "Oman",
                    "PK" => "Pakistan",
                    "PW" => "Palau",
                    "PS" => "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
                    "PA" => "Panama",
                    "PG" => "Papua New Guinea",
                    "PY" => "Paraguay",
                    "PE" => "Peru",
                    "PH" => "Philippines",
                    "PN" => "Pitcairn",
                    "PL" => "Poland",
                    "PT" => "Portugal",
                    "PR" => "Puerto Rico",
                    "QA" => "Qatar",
                    "RE" => "Reunion",
                    "RO" => "Romania",
                    "RU" => "Russian Federation",
                    "RW" => "Rwanda",
                    "SH" => "Saint Helena",
                    "KN" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
                    "LC" => "Saint Lucia",
                    "PM" => "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
                    "VC" => "Saint Vincent and The Grenadines",
                    "WS" => "Samoa",
                    "SM" => "San Marino",
                    "ST" => "Sao Tome and Principe",
                    "SA" => "Saudi Arabia",
                    "SN" => "Senegal",
                    "RS" => "Serbia",
                    "SC" => "Seychelles",
                    "SL" => "Sierra Leone",
                    "SG" => "Singapore",
                    "SK" => "Slovakia",
                    "SI" => "Slovenia",
                    "SB" => "Solomon Islands",
                    "SO" => "Somalia",
                    "ZA" => "South Africa",
                    "GS" => "South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands",
                    "ES" => "Spain",
                    "LK" => "Sri Lanka",
                    "SD" => "Sudan",
                    "SR" => "Suriname",
                    "SJ" => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
                    "SZ" => "Swaziland",
                    "SE" => "Sweden",
                    "CH" => "Switzerland",
                    "SY" => "Syrian Arab Republic",
                    "TW" => "Taiwan, Province of China",
                    "TJ" => "Tajikistan",
                    "TZ" => "Tanzania, United Republic of",
                    "TH" => "Thailand",
                    "TL" => "Timor-leste",
                    "TG" => "Togo",
                    "TK" => "Tokelau",
                    "TO" => "Tonga",
                    "TT" => "Trinidad and Tobago",
                    "TN" => "Tunisia",
                    "TR" => "Turkey",
                    "TM" => "Turkmenistan",
                    "TC" => "Turks and Caicos Islands",
                    "TV" => "Tuvalu",
                    "UG" => "Uganda",
                    "UA" => "Ukraine",
                    "AE" => "United Arab Emirates",
                    "GB" => "United Kingdom",
                    "US" => "United States",
                    "UM" => "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
                    "UY" => "Uruguay",
                    "UZ" => "Uzbekistan",
                    "VU" => "Vanuatu",
                    "VE" => "Venezuela",
                    "VN" => "Viet Nam",
                    "VG" => "Virgin Islands, British",
                    "VI" => "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
                    "WF" => "Wallis and Futuna",
                    "EH" => "Western Sahara",
                    "YE" => "Yemen",
                    "ZM" => "Zambia",
                    "ZW" => "Zimbabwe");
jjmpsp commented 9 years ago

@semplon Thank you, saved me some time :+1:

ilyabreev commented 8 years ago

Really don't understand how this issue relates to the project.

yratof commented 8 years ago

Less of an issue, more of a helper for projects where all flags can be used.

Having to manually type this list can be time consuming, so it's been done twice here. Ideally, this should be attached on a document or a gist

On Fri, 22 Jan 2016 at 12:27, Ilya Breev wrote:

Really don't understand how this issue relates to the project.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Cheers, Common sense advocate, Andrew Smith

felipearosemena commented 8 years ago

@yratof Thanks for this! I was trying to find a good solution for a country field for ACF. I just created a select field and added your list as options. Saved me tons of time!

lipis commented 8 years ago

You can also check this (undocumented) thingy: you have all the data there.. so basically do whatever you want..