If a rotator (spinner) drawer is added it will always spin, regardless of status.
Code attached
acidmixer = new MultiCrafter("Acid Mixer"){{
hasPower = solid = hasLiquids = hasItems = true;
isConsumePower = true;
description = ("A Mixer made of materials capable of holding strong acids, making it suitable to mix acids.");
rotate = false;
size = 3;
envEnabled = Env.any;
drawer = new DrawMulti(new DrawRegion("-bottom"), new DrawLiquidTile(Liquids.water), new DrawLiquidTile(clabLiquids.sAcid), new DrawRegion("-base"), new DrawRegion("-rotator"){{
spinSprite = true;
rotateSpeed = 4f;
requirements(Category.crafting, with(clabItems.weldedframe, 100, clabItems.steel, 50, Items.silicon, 25, Items.titanium, 50));
resolvedRecipes = Seq.with(
new Recipe(
//IOEntry input: this recipe's input goes here
new IOEntry(
//input items go here (can be empty if you wish to use fluids only)
Seq.with(ItemStack.with(clabItems.sulfur, 5)),
//input fluids go here (there are no fluids required so this is empty)
Seq.with(LiquidStack.with(Liquids.water, 100f)),
//IOEntry output: this recipe's output goes here
new IOEntry(
//output items
//output fluids, again, it can be empty
Seq.with(LiquidStack.with(clabLiquids.sAcid, 100f))
//float craftTime: self-explanatory. measured in ticks
new Recipe(
//IOEntry input: this recipe's input goes here
new IOEntry(
//input items go here (can be empty if you wish to use fluids only)
//input fluids go here (there are no fluids required so this is empty)
Seq.with(LiquidStack.with(clabLiquids.nitrogen, 10f, clabLiquids.oxygen, 20f)),
//IOEntry output: this recipe's output goes here
new IOEntry(
//output items
//output fluids, again, it can be empty
Seq.with(LiquidStack.with(clabLiquids.nAcid, 100f/20f))
//float craftTime: self-explanatory. measured in ticks
If a rotator (spinner) drawer is added it will always spin, regardless of status.
Code attached