lipoja / AMSpi

Python class for controlling Arduino Motor Shield L293D from Raspberry Pi (using RPi.GPIO)
MIT License
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Not working on RPI 3B #6

Open cesto19 opened 6 years ago

cesto19 commented 6 years ago

I've followed your wirings and I can't make it work. I can't even run 1 motor.

Can you please help me? I figured it could be the GPIO numberings that is the problem but i tried using board numbering and it still doesn't work.

Also, does the location of the library ( you created matter for this one?

chmutoff commented 5 years ago

It did not worked for me neither with Raspberry PI 3 B+. Just connected the Ground pin of the Raspberry with the 'gnd' pin of the Arduino shield (nex to 'Aref'). Connect the rest of the pins as in the diagram. Put the file in the same folder with your python file.