This driver does not work on the Arduino Mega.
This is because the SPI pins are different from Uno and others.
In Mega, the SPI pins look like this
10→53: SS
11→51: MOSI
12→50: MISO
13→52: SCK
To resolve this, line 8 of "SimpleYMF825.cpp" needs to be changed to
#define PIN_SS 53
(I did not use it, but in some cases, the value of "PIN_RST_N" on line 7 must also be changed.)
In my case this worked.
(Instead, it will no longer work with Uno.)
The following is recommended
use "SS" to automatically assign pin numbers.
write in how to set up different SPI pins on Arduino Mega and other boards.
(I am Japanese so my writing may be strange in some places. Sorry.)
This driver does not work on the Arduino Mega. This is because the SPI pins are different from Uno and others.
In Mega, the SPI pins look like this
To resolve this, line 8 of "SimpleYMF825.cpp" needs to be changed to
#define PIN_SS 53
(I did not use it, but in some cases, the value of "PIN_RST_N" on line 7 must also be changed.) In my case this worked. (Instead, it will no longer work with Uno.)The following is recommended
Thanks! (I am Japanese so my writing may be strange in some places. Sorry.)