liprec / vsts-release-aas

Repository for my Analysis Service Azure pipelines tasks related to Azure Analysis Service or Power BI Premium
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Intermittent failure due to firewall rule not creating in time #40

Closed loopfish closed 3 years ago

loopfish commented 4 years ago


I have been running your excellent task for some time now, and I do notice that occasionally, an instance of the task fails because the firewall rule has not finished creating, so the agent cannot reach the server. My scenario is that I have several instances of the task in one job, all run sequentially, not in parallel, and it only happens perhaps 1 in every 20 times. Is there a way to possibly customize the timeout of the firewall rule creation, to be able to increase it if necessary, or does the code already perform a watch on the rule creation, and if so, maybe that needs a bit of a delay?


liprec commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I do recall that the official documentation states that it can take up to 10 minutes before the firewall rules are applied, but I have never seen that happening. And probably due to the changes Microsoft has made regarding COVID-19, it can take some time lately. I have seen this also with other APIs. Probably it is better to add a (small) configurable delay to the tasks.

loopfish commented 4 years ago

I've actually created a workaround - I set the start and end IP in your task to be, with 'delete after rule creation' ticked. I then have used parts of your task code to create a Powershell task before all your AAS tasks to add the IP of our custom agent to the firewall, followed by a 'Start-Sleep -s 30' pause to allow the rule to create:

#Connecting to Azure
Write-Output "Getting Azure account context"
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($env:ARM_CLIENT_ID, (ConvertTo-SecureString $(client_secret) -AsPlainText -Force))

Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $cred -TenantId $env:ARM_TENANT_ID -SubscriptionId $env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

#Other sites to provide IPv4 public address with this type of request


$EnvironmentName = "xxxx" + $env:environment.ToLower() + "aas"
$ResourceGroup = "RG-" + $env:environment + "-BI"

#Setting additional parameters
$ExistingFirewallRuleName = 'DevOpsAgentIP'
$PubIPSource = ''

$AServiceServer = Get-AzAnalysisServicesServer -Name $EnvironmentName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup
$FirewallRules = ($AServiceServer).FirewallConfig.FirewallRules
$FirewallRuleNameList = $FirewallRules.FirewallRuleName
$powerBi = ($AServiceServer).FirewallConfig.EnablePowerBIService

#Getting previous IP from firewall rule, and new public IP
$PreviousRuleIndex = [Array]::IndexOf($FirewallRuleNameList, $ExistingFirewallRuleName)
$currentIP = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri $PubIPSource -UseBasicParsing).content.TrimEnd()
$previousIP = ($FirewallRules).RangeStart[$PreviousRuleIndex]

#Updating rules if request is coming from new IP address.
if (!($currentIP -eq $previousIP)) {
    Write-Output "Updating Analysis Service firewall config"
    $ruleNumberIndex = 1
    $Rules = @() -as [System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.AnalysisServices.Models.PsAzureAnalysisServicesFirewallRule]]

    #Storing Analysis Service firewall rules
    $FirewallRules | ForEach-Object {
        $ruleNumberVar = "rule" + "$ruleNumberIndex"
        #Exception of storage of firewall rule is made for the rule to be updated
        if (!($_.FirewallRuleName -match "$ExistingFirewallRuleName")) {

            $start = $_.RangeStart
            $end = $_.RangeEnd
            $tempRule = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallRule `
                -FirewallRuleName $_.FirewallRuleName `
                -RangeStart $start `
                -RangeEnd $end

            Set-Variable -Name "$ruleNumberVar" -Value $tempRule
            $Rules.Add((Get-Variable $ruleNumberVar -ValueOnly))
            $ruleNumberIndex = $ruleNumberIndex + 1
    #Add rule for new IP
    $updatedRule = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallRule -FirewallRuleName "$ExistingFirewallRuleName" -RangeStart $currentIP -RangeEnd $currentIP

    $ruleNumberVar = "rule" + "$ruleNumberIndex"
    Set-Variable -Name "$ruleNumberVar" -Value $updatedRule
    $Rules.Add((Get-Variable $ruleNumberVar -ValueOnly))

    #Creating Firewall config object
    if ($powerBi) {
        $conf = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallConfig -FirewallRule $Rules -EnablePowerBiService
    else {
        $conf = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallConfig -FirewallRule $Rules

    #Setting firewall config
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AServiceServer.BackupBlobContainerUri)) {
        $AServiceServer | Set-AzAnalysisServicesServer -FirewallConfig $conf -DisableBackup -Sku $AServiceServer.Sku.Name.TrimEnd()
    else {
        $AServiceServer | Set-AzAnalysisServicesServer -FirewallConfig $conf -BackupBlobContainerUri $AServiceServer.BackupBlobContainerUri -Sku $AServiceServer.Sku.Name.TrimEnd()

    Write-Output "Updated firewall rule to include current IP: $currentIP"
elseif ($currentIP -eq $previousIP) {
    Write-Output "Firewall rule for IP $currentIP already exists."

There is then a Powershell task, again based on your code, after all your tasks to remove that IP:

#Connecting to Azure
Write-Output "Getting Azure account context"
$cred = New-Object `
    System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($env:ARM_CLIENT_ID, (ConvertTo-SecureString $(client_secret) -AsPlainText -Force))

Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $cred -TenantId $env:ARM_TENANT_ID -SubscriptionId $env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

#Other sites to provide IPv4 public address with this type of request


$EnvironmentName = "xxx" + $env:environment.ToLower() + "aas"
$ResourceGroup = "RG-" + $env:environment + "-BI"

#Setting additional parameters
$ExistingFirewallRuleName = 'DevOpsAgentIP'
$PubIPSource = ''

$AServiceServer = Get-AzAnalysisServicesServer -Name $EnvironmentName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup
$FirewallRules = ($AServiceServer).FirewallConfig.FirewallRules
$FirewallRuleNameList = $FirewallRules.FirewallRuleName
$powerBi = ($AServiceServer).FirewallConfig.EnablePowerBIService

#Getting previous IP from firewall rule, and new public IP
$PreviousRuleIndex = [Array]::IndexOf($FirewallRuleNameList, $ExistingFirewallRuleName)
$currentIP = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri $PubIPSource -UseBasicParsing).content.TrimEnd()
$previousIP = ($FirewallRules).RangeStart[$PreviousRuleIndex]

#Updating rules if request is coming from existing IP address.
if  ($currentIP -eq $previousIP) {
    Write-Output "Updating Analysis Service firewall config"
    $ruleNumberIndex = 1
    $Rules = @() -as [System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.AnalysisServices.Models.PsAzureAnalysisServicesFirewallRule]]

    #Storing Analysis Service firewall rules
    $FirewallRules | ForEach-Object {
        $ruleNumberVar = "rule" + "$ruleNumberIndex"
        #Exception of storage of firewall rule is made for the rule to be removed
        if (!($_.FirewallRuleName -match "$ExistingFirewallRuleName")) {

            $start = $_.RangeStart
            $end = $_.RangeEnd
            $tempRule = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallRule `
                -FirewallRuleName $_.FirewallRuleName `
                -RangeStart $start `
                -RangeEnd $end

            Set-Variable -Name "$ruleNumberVar" -Value $tempRule
            $Rules.Add((Get-Variable $ruleNumberVar -ValueOnly))
            $ruleNumberIndex = $ruleNumberIndex + 1

    #Creating Firewall config object
    if ($powerBi) {
        $conf = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallConfig -FirewallRule $Rules `
    else {
        $conf = New-AzAnalysisServicesFirewallConfig -FirewallRule $Rules

    #Setting firewall config
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AServiceServer.BackupBlobContainerUri)) {
        $AServiceServer | Set-AzAnalysisServicesServer -FirewallConfig $conf -DisableBackup -Sku $AServiceServer.Sku.Name.TrimEnd()
    else {
        $AServiceServer | Set-AzAnalysisServicesServer -FirewallConfig $conf -BackupBlobContainerUri $AServiceServer.BackupBlobContainerUri -Sku $AServiceServer.Sku.Name.TrimEnd()

    Write-Output "Updated firewall to remove rule '$ExistingFirewallRuleName'."

I have not seen the failures since implementing this.

liprec commented 4 years ago

Probably I will add something like Start-Sleep -s 30 to the tasks :-)

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.