lipsumar / design-system-framework

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Documentation for each component #4

Closed Macxim closed 8 years ago

Macxim commented 8 years ago

Where am I supposed to write documentation for each component?

The section under the component with the two tabs Documentation and Source displays static information and not data about the component displayed above.

lipsumar commented 8 years ago

The plan is to have a markdown file in the component's directory. The UI would load it via ajax from the server in the section you mention. I try not to force the UI as much as possible, so just as the components are individually accessible at http://localhost:3000/build/<componentId>, the doc would follow the same approach.

Macxim commented 8 years ago

That sounds good! I agree, most people would want be able to customize the UI (brand logo, font, colors, etc.).

I think your last point is worth mentioning in the README file.

lipsumar commented 8 years ago

As for the style of the UI itself, well, it will soon have its own repo and be developed using... DSF ;)

lipsumar commented 8 years ago

Documentation is now a native plugin of DSF.