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add licence clarification to footer #68

Closed alifeee closed 5 months ago

alifeee commented 5 months ago

something about CC BY-SA 4.0.

The footer is here

RetSamys commented 5 months ago

What if there was

<li><a href=""><img class="icon" src="iconns/ccbysa.svg" alt="Creative Commons icon" /><span>nasin jo</span></a></li>

The icon could be a typical CC BY-SA graphic or an adaptation thereof

alifeee commented 5 months ago

I also think just some text under the list would work, like


jnpoJuwan commented 5 months ago

if I may turn this into a discussion about the footers in general, dividing it up into two columns as shown below would be ideal I think. as it also would look more professional:


(ignore that this mockup was made in Paint)

the left column containing links and the right with a short description of who we are, where were based, the licence and contact info (email and that sort of stuff). for the design may I suggest forgoing with the weird squiggly lines

alifeee commented 5 months ago

for the design may I suggest forgoing with the weird squiggly lines

You may suggest it, but why? I think that it looks a bit boring with a flat line, so I do not like "it also would look more professional" as a reason.

What do you think of this?


Here it is on a thin screen (mobile device less than 500px wide)


Here it is with the squiggle removed


jnpoJuwan commented 5 months ago

sorry if what I said was not good. this is better but some tweaks are still needed

for desktop try to spread out the links a bit more, comparing the screenshot you sent to the website layout in my screen, there's a big difference


for this, put the icons besides the text (and maybe a bit smaller?). besides that, could you move the 'report issues' button (linluwi li pakala → lipu li pakala / pakala li lon) to the right side next to the other info and replace the left side one with the a link to our GitHub