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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 19 #588

Closed pyup-bot closed 2 years ago

pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

Update bcrypt from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

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Update django-crispy-forms from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0.

Changelog ### 1.14.0 ``` * Added support for Python 3.10 * Dropped support for Django 3.1 * Dropped support for Python 3.6 * Added bootstrap modal layout object (1204) * Added `input_size` argument to `FieldWithButtons` to allow customisation of the size of the input in the Bootstrap 4 template pack. (1159) See the [1.14.0 Milestone]( for the full change list. ```
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Update wagtail from 2.16.1 to 2.16.2.

Changelog ### 2.16.2 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix: Update django-treebeard dependency to 4.5.1 or above (Serafeim Papastefanos) * Fix: Fix permission error when sorting pages having page type restrictions (Thijs Kramer) * Fix: Allow bulk publishing of pages without revisions (Andy Chosak) * Fix: Ensure that all descendant pages are logged when deleting a page, not just immediate children (Jake Howard) * Fix: Refactor `FormPagesListView` in wagtail.contrib.forms to avoid undefined `locale` variable when subclassing (Dan Braghis) * Fix: Page copy in Wagtail admin ignores `exclude_fields_in_copy` (John-Scott Atlakson) * Fix: Translation key `IntegrityError` when publishing pages with translatable `Orderable`s that were copied without being published (Kalob Taulien, Dan Braghis) * Fix: Ignore `GenericRelation` when copying pages (John-Scott Atlakson) * Fix: Ensure 'next' links from image / document listings do not redirect back to partial AJAX view (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Skip creation of automatic redirects when page cannot be routed (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Prevent JS errors on locale switcher in page chooser (Matt Westcott) ```
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Update bleach from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0.

Changelog ### 5.0.0 ``` ------------------------------- **Backwards incompatible changes** * ``clean`` and ``linkify`` now preserve the order of HTML attributes. Thank you, askoretskly! (566) * Drop support for Python 3.6. Thank you, hugovk! (629) * CSS sanitization in style tags is completely different now. If you're using Bleach ``clean`` to sanitize css in style tags, you'll need to update your code and you'll need to install the ``css`` extras:: pip install 'bleach[css]' See `the documentation on sanitizing CSS for how to do it <>`_. (633) **Bug fixes** * Rework dev dependencies. We no longer have ````/``requirements-dev.txt``. Instead, we're using ``dev`` extras. See `development docs <>`_ for more details. (620) * Add newline when dropping block-level tags. Thank you, jvanasco! (369) ```
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Update django-ckeditor from 6.2.0 to 6.4.0.

Changelog ### 6.4.0 ``` ----- . Changed the context for the widget to deviate less from Django. Removed a few template variables which are not used in the bundled ``ckeditor/widget.html`` template. This only affects you if you are using a customized widget or widget template. . Dropped support for Python < 3.8, Django < 3.2. . Added a pre-commit configuration. . Removed the Travis CI configuration; Travis CI hasn't run our unit tests for months now. . Added a GitHub action for running tests. . Made selenium tests require opt in using a ``SELENIUM=firefox`` or ``SELENIUM=chromium`` environment variable. ``` ### 6.3.0 ``` ----- ```
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Update django-debug-toolbar from 3.2.4 to 3.4.0.

Changelog ### 3.4.0 ``` ------------------ * Fixed issue of stacktrace having frames that have no path to the file, but are instead a string of the code such as ``'<frozen importlib._bootstrap>'``. * Renamed internal SQL tracking context var from ``recording`` to ``allow_sql``. ``` ### 3.3.0 ``` ------------------ * Track calls to :py:meth:`django.core.caches.cache.get_or_set`. * Removed support for Django < 3.2. * Updated check ``W006`` to look for ``django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader``. * Reset settings when overridden in tests. Packages or projects using django-debug-toolbar can now use Django’s test settings tools, like ``override_settings``, to reconfigure the toolbar during tests. * Optimize rendering of SQL panel, saving about 30% of its run time. * New records in history panel will flash green. * Automatically update History panel on AJAX requests from client. ```
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Update Faker from 13.3.3 to 13.11.0.

Changelog ### 13.11.0 ``` * Add `sq-AL` automotive provider. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.10.0 ``` * Improve `it_IT` ssn provider to match real building rules. Thanks DamienPirsy. ``` ### 13.9.0 ``` * Add part-of-speech functionality for `en_US`. Thanks e-panourgia. ``` ### 13.8.0 ``` * Add `fr-FR` datetime provider. Thanks zerogonal. * Add `no-NO` datetime provider. Thanks zerogonal. * Add `zh-CN` datetime provider. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.7.0 ``` * Add automotive provider for `fi_FI`, `et_EE`, `lt_LT` and `vi_VN`. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.6.0 ``` * Add `ar_BH` automotive provider. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.5.0 ``` * Add Mexican CLABE bank code for `es_MX` locale. Thanks edgarrmondragon. ``` ### 13.4.0 ``` * Add `it_IT` automotive provider. Thanks Giorgionocera. ``` ### 13.3.5 ``` * Fix error in currency provider data. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.3.4 ``` * Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 (1631). Thanks dependabot[bot]. ```
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Update pytest-factoryboy from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.

Changelog ### 2.2.0 ``` ---------- - Drop support for Python 3.6. We now support only python >= 3.7. - Improve "debuggability". Internal pytest-factoryboy calls are now visible when using a debugger like PDB or PyCharm. - Add type annotations. Now ``register`` and ``LazyFixture`` are type annotated. - Fix `Factory._after_postgeneration <>`_ method not getting the evaluated ``post_generations`` and ``RelatedFactory`` results correctly in the ``result`` param. - Factories can now be registered inside classes (even nested classes) and they won't pollute the module namespace. - Allow the ``register`` decorator to be called with parameters: .. code-block:: python register register("other_author") class AuthorFactory(Factory): ... ```
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Update pytest from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2.

Changelog ### 7.1.2 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `9726 <>`_: An unnecessary ``numpy`` import inside :func:`pytest.approx` was removed. - `9820 <>`_: Fix comparison of ``dataclasses`` with ``InitVar``. - `9869 <>`_: Increase ``stacklevel`` for the ``NODE_CTOR_FSPATH_ARG`` deprecation to point to the user's code, not pytest. - `9871 <>`_: Fix a bizarre (and fortunately rare) bug where the `temp_path` fixture could raise an internal error while attempting to get the current user's username. ```
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pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

Closing this in favor of #590