### 6.0.10
* Populate ``<summary>`` correctly if it comes after ``<content>``. (260)
### 6.0.9
* Fix a crash that can occur with GeoRSS feeds that lack a ``<where>`` tag. (305)
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
- Docs:
### 3.0.1
* Add warning when `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` is not configured (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Ensure `TabbedInterface` will not show a tab if no panels are visible due to permissions (Paarth Agarwal)
* Fix: Specific snippets list language picker was not properly styled (Sage Abdullah)
* Fix: Ensure the upgrade notification request for the latest release, which can be disabled via the `WAGTAIL_ENABLE_UPDATE_CHECK` sends the referrer origin with `strict-origin-when-cross-origin` (Karl Hobley)
* Fix: Fix misaligned spinner icon on page action button (LB (Ben Johnston))
* Fix: Ensure radio buttons / checkboxes display vertically under Django 4.0 (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Prevent failures when splitting blocks at the start or end of a block, or with highlighted text (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone)
* Fix: Allow scheduled publishing to complete when the initial editor did not have publish permission (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Stop emails from breaking when `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` is absent due to the request object not being available (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Make try/except on sending email less broad so that legitimate template rendering errors are exposed (Matt Westcott)
### 3.0
* Phase out special-purpose panel types (`StreamFieldPanel`, `RichTextFieldPanel`, `ImageChooserPanel`, `DocumentChooserPanel`, `PageChooserPanel`, `SnippetChooserPanel`) in favour of `FieldPanel` (Matt Westcott)
* Implement splitting of rich text blocks within StreamField (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone)
* Add support for image rendition prefetching (Andy Babic)
* Upgrade ESLint and Stylelint configurations to latest shared Wagtail configs (Thibaud Colas, Paarth Agarwal)
* Major updates to frontend tooling; move Node tooling from Gulp to Webpack, upgrade to Node v16 and npm v8, eslint v8, stylelint v14 and others (Thibaud Colas)
* Change comment headers’ date formatting to use browser APIs instead of requiring a library (LB (Ben Johnston))
* Lint with flake8-comprehensions and flake8-assertive, including adding a pre-commit hook for these (Mads Jensen, Dan Braghis)
* Switch the Wagtail branding font to a system font stack (Steven Steinwand, Paarth Agarwal)
* Add black configuration and reformat code using it (Dan Braghis)
* Remove UI code for legacy browser support: polyfills, IE11 workarounds, Modernizr (Thibaud Colas)
* Remove redirect auto-creation recipe from documentation as this feature is now supported in Wagtail core (Andy Babic)
* Remove IE11 warnings (Gianluca De Cola)
* Remove the legacy Hallo rich text editor as it has moved to an external package (LB (Ben Johnston))
* Increase the size of checkboxes throughout the UI, and simplify their alignment (Steven Steinwand)
* Adopt [MyST]( for parsing documentation written in Markdown, replaces recommonmark (LB (Ben Johnston), Thibaud Colas)
* Installing docs extras requirements in CircleCI so issues with the docs requirements are picked up earlier (Thibaud Colas)
* Remove core usage of jinjalint and migrate to curlylint to resolve dependency incompatibility issues (Thibaud Colas)
* Switch focus outlines implementation to `:focus-visible` for cross-browser consistency (Paarth Agarwal)
* Remove most uppercased text styles from admin UI (Paarth Agarwal)
* Convert all UI code to CSS logical properties for Right-to-Left (RTL) language support (Thibaud Colas)
* Migrate multiple documentation pages from RST to MD - including the editor's guide (Vibhakar Solanki, LB (Ben Johnston), Shwet Khatri)
* Add documentation for defining custom form validation on models used in Wagtail's `modelAdmin` (Serafeim Papastefanos)
* Update `` logo to work for GitHub dark mode (Paarth Agarwal)
* Avoid an unnecessary page reload when pressing enter within the header search bar (Images, Pages, Documents) (Riley de Mestre)
* Removed unofficial length parameter on `If-Modified-Since` header in `sendfile_streaming_backend` which was only used by IE (Mariusz Felisiak)
* Add Pinterest support to the list of default oEmbed providers (Dharmik Gangani)
* Update Jinja2 template support for Jinja2 3.x (Seb Brown)
* Add ability for `StreamField` to use `JSONField` to store data, rather than `TextField` (Sage Abdullah)
* Replace `content_json` `TextField` with `content` `JSONField` in `PageRevision` (Sage Abdullah)
* Remove `replace_text` management command (Sage Abdullah)
* Replace `data_json` `TextField` with `data` `JSONField` in `BaseLogEntry` (Sage Abdullah)
* Split up linting / formatting tasks in Makefile into client and server components (Hitansh Shah)
* Add support for embedding Instagram reels (Luis Nell)
* Use Django’s JavaScript catalog feature to manage translatable strings in JavaScript (Karl Hobley)
* Add a `page_description` to the Page model, to provide help text for a given page type (Kalob Taulien, Thibaud Colas, Matt Westcott, Stefan Hammer)
* Add `trimmed` attribute to all blocktrans tags, so spacing is more reliable in translated strings (Harris Lapiroff)
* Add documentation that describes how to use `ModelAdmin` to manage `Tag`s (Abdulmajeed Isa)
* Rename the setting `BASE_URL` (undocumented) to `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` and add to documentation, `BASE_URL` will be removed in a future release (Sandil Ranasinghe)
* Validate to and from email addresses within form builder pages when using `AbstractEmailForm` (Jake Howard)
* Add `WAGTAILIMAGES_RENDITION_STORAGE` setting to allow an alternative image rendition storage (Heather White)
* Add `wagtail_update_image_renditions` management command to regenerate image renditions or purge all existing renditions (Hitansh Shah, Onno Timmerman, Damian Moore)
* Fully remove the legacy sidebar, with slim sidebar replacing it for all users (Thibaud Colas)
* Add support for adding custom attributes for link menu items in the slim sidebar (Thibaud Colas)
* Implement new slim page editor header with breadcrumb (Steven Steinwand, Karl Hobley)
* Add the ability for choices to be separated by new lines instead of just commas within the form builder, commas will still be supported if used (Abdulmajeed Isa)
* Add internationalisation UI to modeladmin (Andrés Martano)
* Support chunking in `PageQuerySet.specific()` to reduce memory consumption (Andy Babic)
* Implement new tabs design across the admin interface (Steven Steinwand)
* Move page meta information from the header to a new status side panel component inside of the page editing UI (Steven Steinwand, Karl Hobley)
* Add useful help text to Tag fields to advise what content is allowed inside tags, including when `TAG_SPACES_ALLOWED` is `True` or `False` (Abdulmajeed Isa)
* Change `AbstractFormSubmission`'s `form_data` to use JSONField to store form submissions (Jake Howard)
* Add image duplicate detection on upload (Tidiane Dia, with sponsorship from The Motley Fool)
* Add a system font stack for monospace fonts (Rishank Kanaparti)
* Fix: When using `simple_translations` ensure that the user is redirected to the page edit view when submitting for a single locale (Mitchel Cabuloy)
* Fix: When previewing unsaved changes to `Form` pages, ensure that all added fields are correctly shown in the preview (Joshua Munn)
* Fix: When Documents (e.g. PDFs) have been configured to be served inline via `WAGTAILDOCS_CONTENT_TYPES` & `WAGTAILDOCS_INLINE_CONTENT_TYPES` ensure that the filename is correctly set in the `Content-Disposition` header so that saving the files will use the correct filename (John-Scott Atlakson)
* Fix: Improve the contrast of the “Remember me” checkbox against the login page’s background (Steven Steinwand)
* Fix: Group permission rows with custom permissions no longer have extra padding (Steven Steinwand)
* Fix: Make sure the focus outline of checkboxes is fully around the outer border (Steven Steinwand)
* Fix: Consistently set `aria-haspopup="menu"` for all sidebar menu items that have sub-menus (LB (Ben Johnston))
* Fix: Make sure `aria-expanded` is always explicitly set as a string in sidebar (LB (Ben Johnston))
* Fix: Use a button element instead of a link for page explorer menu item, for the correct semantics and behaviour (LB (Ben Johnston))
* Fix: Make sure the “Title” column label can be translated in the page chooser and page move UI (Stephanie Cheng Smith)
* Fix: Remove redundant `role="main"` attributes on `<main>` elements causing HTML validation issues (Luis Espinoza)
* Fix: Allow bulk publishing of pages without revisions (Andy Chosak)
* Fix: Stop skipping heading levels in Wagtail welcome page (Jesse Menn)
* Fix: Add missing `lang` attributes to `<html>` elements (James Ray)
* Fix: Avoid 503 server error when entering tags over 100chars and instead show a user facing validation error (Vu Pham, Khanh Hoang)
* Fix: Ensure `thumb_col_header_text` is correctly used by `ThumbnailMixin` within `ModelAdmin` as the column header label (Kyle J. Roux)
* Fix: Page copy in Wagtail admin ignores `exclude_fields_in_copy` (John-Scott Atlakson)
* Fix: Translation key `IntegrityError` when publishing pages with translatable `Orderable`s that were copied without being published (Kalob Taulien, Dan Braghis)
* Fix: Ignore `GenericRelation` when copying pages (John-Scott Atlakson)
* Fix: Implement ARIA tabs markup and keyboards interactions for admin tabs (Steven Steinwand)
* Fix: Ensure `wagtail updatemodulepaths` works when system locale is not UTF-8 (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Re-establish focus trap for Pages explorer in slim sidebar (Thibaud Colas)
* Fix: Ensure the icon font loads correctly when `STATIC_URL` is not `"/static/"` (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone)
### 2.16.2
* Fix: Update django-treebeard dependency to 4.5.1 or above (Serafeim Papastefanos)
* Fix: Fix permission error when sorting pages having page type restrictions (Thijs Kramer)
* Fix: Allow bulk publishing of pages without revisions (Andy Chosak)
* Fix: Ensure that all descendant pages are logged when deleting a page, not just immediate children (Jake Howard)
* Fix: Refactor `FormPagesListView` in wagtail.contrib.forms to avoid undefined `locale` variable when subclassing (Dan Braghis)
* Fix: Page copy in Wagtail admin ignores `exclude_fields_in_copy` (John-Scott Atlakson)
* Fix: Translation key `IntegrityError` when publishing pages with translatable `Orderable`s that were copied without being published (Kalob Taulien, Dan Braghis)
* Fix: Ignore `GenericRelation` when copying pages (John-Scott Atlakson)
* Fix: Ensure 'next' links from image / document listings do not redirect back to partial AJAX view (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Skip creation of automatic redirects when page cannot be routed (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Prevent JS errors on locale switcher in page chooser (Matt Westcott)
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Homepage:
### 5.0.1
* Add missing comma to tinycss2 require. Thank you, shadchin!
* Add url parse tests based on wpt url tests. (688)
* Support scheme-less urls if "https" is in allow list. (662)
* Handle escaping ``<`` in edge cases where it doesn't start a tag. (544)
* Fix reference warnings in docs. (660)
* Correctly urlencode email address parts. Thank you, larseggert! (659)
### 5.0.0
**Backwards incompatible changes**
* ``clean`` and ``linkify`` now preserve the order of HTML attributes. Thank
you, askoretskly! (566)
* Drop support for Python 3.6. Thank you, hugovk! (629)
* CSS sanitization in style tags is completely different now. If you're using
Bleach ``clean`` to sanitize css in style tags, you'll need to update your
code and you'll need to install the ``css`` extras::
pip install 'bleach[css]'
See `the documentation on sanitizing CSS for how to do it
<>`_. (633)
**Bug fixes**
* Rework dev dependencies. We no longer have
````/``requirements-dev.txt``. Instead, we're using
``dev`` extras.
See `development docs <>`_
for more details. (620)
* Add newline when dropping block-level tags. Thank you, jvanasco! (369)
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
- Docs:
### 3.2.14
*July 4, 2022*
Django 3.2.14 fixes a security issue with severity "high" in 3.2.13.
CVE-2022-34265: Potential SQL injection via ``Trunc(kind)`` and ``Extract(lookup_name)`` arguments
:class:`Trunc() <django.db.models.functions.Trunc>` and
:class:`Extract() <django.db.models.functions.Extract>` database functions were
subject to SQL injection if untrusted data was used as a
``kind``/``lookup_name`` value.
Applications that constrain the lookup name and kind choice to a known safe
list are unaffected.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Homepage:
### 0.51.0
Note worthy changes
- New providers: Snapchat, Hubspot, Pocket, Clever.
Security notice
The reset password form is protected by rate limits. There is a limit per IP,
and per email. In previous versions, the latter rate limit could be bypassed by
changing the casing of the email address. Note that in that case, the former
rate limit would still kick in.
### 0.50.0
Note worthy changes
- Fixed compatibility issue with setuptools 61.
- New providers: Drip.
- The Facebook API version now defaults to v13.0.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Homepage:
### 6.4.0
. Changed the context for the widget to deviate less from Django. Removed a
few template variables which are not used in the bundled
``ckeditor/widget.html`` template. This only affects you if you are using a
customized widget or widget template.
. Dropped support for Python < 3.8, Django < 3.2.
. Added a pre-commit configuration.
. Removed the Travis CI configuration; Travis CI hasn't run our unit tests for
months now.
. Added a GitHub action for running tests.
. Made selenium tests require opt in using a ``SELENIUM=firefox`` or
``SELENIUM=chromium`` environment variable.
### 6.3.0
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 3.0.0
- Move CI to GitHub Actions
- Dropped support for Python < 3.7
- Dropped support for Django < 2.2
- Added support for Django 3.2
- Added support for Python 3.10
- Added support for Django 4.0
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 22.1
* Update supported Python and Django versions: minimal Python is now 3.7,
minimum Django is now 3.2.
* Added testing for Python 3.10 and Django 4.1.
* Removed outdated deprecated warnings for code removed in version 2.1.
* The code base is now formatted with Black.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 0.4.27
- remove spurious pyproject.toml that breaks source builds
### 0.4.26
- Use tox for all multi-version testing
- Fix use of pytest, use it via tox
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 3.5.0
* Properly implemented tracking and display of PostgreSQL transactions.
* Removed third party panels which have been archived on GitHub.
* Added Django 4.1b1 to the CI matrix.
* Stopped crashing when ``request.GET`` and ``request.POST`` are neither
dictionaries nor ``QueryDict`` instances. Using anything but ``QueryDict``
instances isn't a valid use of Django but, again, django-debug-toolbar
shouldn't crash.
* Fixed the cache panel to work correctly in the presence of concurrency by
avoiding the use of signals.
* Reworked the cache panel instrumentation mechanism to monkey patch methods on
the cache instances directly instead of replacing cache instances with
wrapper classes.
* Added a :meth:`debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.ready` class method that panels can
override to perform any initialization or instrumentation that needs to be
done unconditionally at startup time.
* Added pyflame (for flame graphs) to the list of third-party panels.
* Fixed the cache panel to correctly count cache misses from the get_many()
cache method.
* Removed some obsolete compatibility code from the stack trace recording code.
* Added a new mechanism for capturing stack traces which includes per-request
caching to reduce expensive file system operations. Updated the cache and
SQL panels to record stack traces using this new mechanism.
* Changed the ``docs`` tox environment to allow passing positional arguments.
This allows e.g. building a HTML version of the docs using ``tox -e docs
* Stayed on top of pre-commit hook updates.
* Replaced ``OrderedDict`` by ``dict`` where possible.
Deprecated features
* The ``debug_toolbar.utils.get_stack()`` and
``debug_toolbar.utils.tidy_stacktrace()`` functions are deprecated in favor
of the new ``debug_toolbar.utils.get_stack_trace()`` function. They will
removed in the next major version of the Debug Toolbar.
### 3.4.0
* Fixed issue of stacktrace having frames that have no path to the file,
but are instead a string of the code such as
``'<frozen importlib._bootstrap>'``.
* Renamed internal SQL tracking context var from ``recording`` to
### 3.3.0
* Track calls to :py:meth:`django.core.caches.cache.get_or_set`.
* Removed support for Django < 3.2.
* Updated check ``W006`` to look for
* Reset settings when overridden in tests. Packages or projects using
django-debug-toolbar can now use Django’s test settings tools, like
``override_settings``, to reconfigure the toolbar during tests.
* Optimize rendering of SQL panel, saving about 30% of its run time.
* New records in history panel will flash green.
* Automatically update History panel on AJAX requests from client.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 2.5.0
- Using a generic class container like ``dict``, ``list``, ``set``, etc. will raise a warning suggesting you to wrap your model using ``named_model(...)``. Doing this will make sure that the fixture name is correctly chosen, otherwise SubFactory and RelatedFactory aren't able to determine the name of the model. See `Generic Container Classes as models <>`_ `167 <>`_
- Fix ``Factory._after_postgeneration`` being invoked twice. `164 <>`_ `#156 <>`_
- Stack traces caused by pytest-factoryboy are now slimmer. `169 <>`_
- Check for naming conflicts between factory and model fixture name, and raise a clear error immediately. `86 <>`_
### 2.4.0
- ``LazyFixture`` is now a Generic[T] type.
- Simplify fixture generation (internal change).
- Use poetry (internal change).
### 2.3.1
- Fix AttributeError when using LazyFixture in register(...) `159 <>`_ `#158 <>`_
### 2.3.0
- Add support for ``factory.PostGenerationMethodCall`` `103 <>`_ `#87 <>`_.
### 2.2.1
- ``register()`` decorator now refuses kwargs after the initial specialization. This behaviour was mistakenly introduced in version 2.2.0, and it complicates the usage of the ``register`` function unnecessarily. For example, the following is not allowed anymore:
.. code-block:: python
name="C.S. Lewis",
name="C.S. Lewis",
### 2.2.0
- Drop support for Python 3.6. We now support only python >= 3.7.
- Improve "debuggability". Internal pytest-factoryboy calls are now visible when using a debugger like PDB or PyCharm.
- Add type annotations. Now ``register`` and ``LazyFixture`` are type annotated.
- Fix `Factory._after_postgeneration <>`_ method not getting the evaluated ``post_generations`` and ``RelatedFactory`` results correctly in the ``result`` param.
- Factories can now be registered inside classes (even nested classes) and they won't pollute the module namespace.
- Allow the ``register`` decorator to be called with parameters:
.. code-block:: python
class AuthorFactory(Factory):
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Docs:
### 7.1.2
Bug Fixes
- `9726 <>`_: An unnecessary ``numpy`` import inside :func:`pytest.approx` was removed.
- `9820 <>`_: Fix comparison of ``dataclasses`` with ``InitVar``.
- `9869 <>`_: Increase ``stacklevel`` for the ``NODE_CTOR_FSPATH_ARG`` deprecation to point to the
user's code, not pytest.
- `9871 <>`_: Fix a bizarre (and fortunately rare) bug where the `temp_path` fixture could raise
an internal error while attempting to get the current user's username.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Homepage:
Update bcrypt from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2.
The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?
- PyPI: - Repo: feedparser from 6.0.8 to 6.0.10.
### 6.0.10 ``` =================== * Populate ``<summary>`` correctly if it comes after ``<content>``. (260) ``` ### 6.0.9 ``` ================== * Fix a crash that can occur with GeoRSS feeds that lack a ``<where>`` tag. (305) ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: - Docs: sentry-sdk from 1.5.8 to 1.9.0.
The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?
- PyPI: - Repo: wagtail from 2.16.1 to 3.0.1.
### 3.0.1 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add warning when `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` is not configured (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Ensure `TabbedInterface` will not show a tab if no panels are visible due to permissions (Paarth Agarwal) * Fix: Specific snippets list language picker was not properly styled (Sage Abdullah) * Fix: Ensure the upgrade notification request for the latest release, which can be disabled via the `WAGTAIL_ENABLE_UPDATE_CHECK` sends the referrer origin with `strict-origin-when-cross-origin` (Karl Hobley) * Fix: Fix misaligned spinner icon on page action button (LB (Ben Johnston)) * Fix: Ensure radio buttons / checkboxes display vertically under Django 4.0 (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Prevent failures when splitting blocks at the start or end of a block, or with highlighted text (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone) * Fix: Allow scheduled publishing to complete when the initial editor did not have publish permission (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Stop emails from breaking when `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` is absent due to the request object not being available (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Make try/except on sending email less broad so that legitimate template rendering errors are exposed (Matt Westcott) ``` ### 3.0 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Phase out special-purpose panel types (`StreamFieldPanel`, `RichTextFieldPanel`, `ImageChooserPanel`, `DocumentChooserPanel`, `PageChooserPanel`, `SnippetChooserPanel`) in favour of `FieldPanel` (Matt Westcott) * Implement splitting of rich text blocks within StreamField (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone) * Add support for image rendition prefetching (Andy Babic) * Upgrade ESLint and Stylelint configurations to latest shared Wagtail configs (Thibaud Colas, Paarth Agarwal) * Major updates to frontend tooling; move Node tooling from Gulp to Webpack, upgrade to Node v16 and npm v8, eslint v8, stylelint v14 and others (Thibaud Colas) * Change comment headers’ date formatting to use browser APIs instead of requiring a library (LB (Ben Johnston)) * Lint with flake8-comprehensions and flake8-assertive, including adding a pre-commit hook for these (Mads Jensen, Dan Braghis) * Switch the Wagtail branding font to a system font stack (Steven Steinwand, Paarth Agarwal) * Add black configuration and reformat code using it (Dan Braghis) * Remove UI code for legacy browser support: polyfills, IE11 workarounds, Modernizr (Thibaud Colas) * Remove redirect auto-creation recipe from documentation as this feature is now supported in Wagtail core (Andy Babic) * Remove IE11 warnings (Gianluca De Cola) * Remove the legacy Hallo rich text editor as it has moved to an external package (LB (Ben Johnston)) * Increase the size of checkboxes throughout the UI, and simplify their alignment (Steven Steinwand) * Adopt [MyST]( for parsing documentation written in Markdown, replaces recommonmark (LB (Ben Johnston), Thibaud Colas) * Installing docs extras requirements in CircleCI so issues with the docs requirements are picked up earlier (Thibaud Colas) * Remove core usage of jinjalint and migrate to curlylint to resolve dependency incompatibility issues (Thibaud Colas) * Switch focus outlines implementation to `:focus-visible` for cross-browser consistency (Paarth Agarwal) * Remove most uppercased text styles from admin UI (Paarth Agarwal) * Convert all UI code to CSS logical properties for Right-to-Left (RTL) language support (Thibaud Colas) * Migrate multiple documentation pages from RST to MD - including the editor's guide (Vibhakar Solanki, LB (Ben Johnston), Shwet Khatri) * Add documentation for defining custom form validation on models used in Wagtail's `modelAdmin` (Serafeim Papastefanos) * Update `` logo to work for GitHub dark mode (Paarth Agarwal) * Avoid an unnecessary page reload when pressing enter within the header search bar (Images, Pages, Documents) (Riley de Mestre) * Removed unofficial length parameter on `If-Modified-Since` header in `sendfile_streaming_backend` which was only used by IE (Mariusz Felisiak) * Add Pinterest support to the list of default oEmbed providers (Dharmik Gangani) * Update Jinja2 template support for Jinja2 3.x (Seb Brown) * Add ability for `StreamField` to use `JSONField` to store data, rather than `TextField` (Sage Abdullah) * Replace `content_json` `TextField` with `content` `JSONField` in `PageRevision` (Sage Abdullah) * Remove `replace_text` management command (Sage Abdullah) * Replace `data_json` `TextField` with `data` `JSONField` in `BaseLogEntry` (Sage Abdullah) * Split up linting / formatting tasks in Makefile into client and server components (Hitansh Shah) * Add support for embedding Instagram reels (Luis Nell) * Use Django’s JavaScript catalog feature to manage translatable strings in JavaScript (Karl Hobley) * Add a `page_description` to the Page model, to provide help text for a given page type (Kalob Taulien, Thibaud Colas, Matt Westcott, Stefan Hammer) * Add `trimmed` attribute to all blocktrans tags, so spacing is more reliable in translated strings (Harris Lapiroff) * Add documentation that describes how to use `ModelAdmin` to manage `Tag`s (Abdulmajeed Isa) * Rename the setting `BASE_URL` (undocumented) to `WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL` and add to documentation, `BASE_URL` will be removed in a future release (Sandil Ranasinghe) * Validate to and from email addresses within form builder pages when using `AbstractEmailForm` (Jake Howard) * Add `WAGTAILIMAGES_RENDITION_STORAGE` setting to allow an alternative image rendition storage (Heather White) * Add `wagtail_update_image_renditions` management command to regenerate image renditions or purge all existing renditions (Hitansh Shah, Onno Timmerman, Damian Moore) * Fully remove the legacy sidebar, with slim sidebar replacing it for all users (Thibaud Colas) * Add support for adding custom attributes for link menu items in the slim sidebar (Thibaud Colas) * Implement new slim page editor header with breadcrumb (Steven Steinwand, Karl Hobley) * Add the ability for choices to be separated by new lines instead of just commas within the form builder, commas will still be supported if used (Abdulmajeed Isa) * Add internationalisation UI to modeladmin (Andrés Martano) * Support chunking in `PageQuerySet.specific()` to reduce memory consumption (Andy Babic) * Implement new tabs design across the admin interface (Steven Steinwand) * Move page meta information from the header to a new status side panel component inside of the page editing UI (Steven Steinwand, Karl Hobley) * Add useful help text to Tag fields to advise what content is allowed inside tags, including when `TAG_SPACES_ALLOWED` is `True` or `False` (Abdulmajeed Isa) * Change `AbstractFormSubmission`'s `form_data` to use JSONField to store form submissions (Jake Howard) * Add image duplicate detection on upload (Tidiane Dia, with sponsorship from The Motley Fool) * Add a system font stack for monospace fonts (Rishank Kanaparti) * Fix: When using `simple_translations` ensure that the user is redirected to the page edit view when submitting for a single locale (Mitchel Cabuloy) * Fix: When previewing unsaved changes to `Form` pages, ensure that all added fields are correctly shown in the preview (Joshua Munn) * Fix: When Documents (e.g. PDFs) have been configured to be served inline via `WAGTAILDOCS_CONTENT_TYPES` & `WAGTAILDOCS_INLINE_CONTENT_TYPES` ensure that the filename is correctly set in the `Content-Disposition` header so that saving the files will use the correct filename (John-Scott Atlakson) * Fix: Improve the contrast of the “Remember me” checkbox against the login page’s background (Steven Steinwand) * Fix: Group permission rows with custom permissions no longer have extra padding (Steven Steinwand) * Fix: Make sure the focus outline of checkboxes is fully around the outer border (Steven Steinwand) * Fix: Consistently set `aria-haspopup="menu"` for all sidebar menu items that have sub-menus (LB (Ben Johnston)) * Fix: Make sure `aria-expanded` is always explicitly set as a string in sidebar (LB (Ben Johnston)) * Fix: Use a button element instead of a link for page explorer menu item, for the correct semantics and behaviour (LB (Ben Johnston)) * Fix: Make sure the “Title” column label can be translated in the page chooser and page move UI (Stephanie Cheng Smith) * Fix: Remove redundant `role="main"` attributes on `<main>` elements causing HTML validation issues (Luis Espinoza) * Fix: Allow bulk publishing of pages without revisions (Andy Chosak) * Fix: Stop skipping heading levels in Wagtail welcome page (Jesse Menn) * Fix: Add missing `lang` attributes to `<html>` elements (James Ray) * Fix: Avoid 503 server error when entering tags over 100chars and instead show a user facing validation error (Vu Pham, Khanh Hoang) * Fix: Ensure `thumb_col_header_text` is correctly used by `ThumbnailMixin` within `ModelAdmin` as the column header label (Kyle J. Roux) * Fix: Page copy in Wagtail admin ignores `exclude_fields_in_copy` (John-Scott Atlakson) * Fix: Translation key `IntegrityError` when publishing pages with translatable `Orderable`s that were copied without being published (Kalob Taulien, Dan Braghis) * Fix: Ignore `GenericRelation` when copying pages (John-Scott Atlakson) * Fix: Implement ARIA tabs markup and keyboards interactions for admin tabs (Steven Steinwand) * Fix: Ensure `wagtail updatemodulepaths` works when system locale is not UTF-8 (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Re-establish focus trap for Pages explorer in slim sidebar (Thibaud Colas) * Fix: Ensure the icon font loads correctly when `STATIC_URL` is not `"/static/"` (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone) ``` ### 2.16.2 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix: Update django-treebeard dependency to 4.5.1 or above (Serafeim Papastefanos) * Fix: Fix permission error when sorting pages having page type restrictions (Thijs Kramer) * Fix: Allow bulk publishing of pages without revisions (Andy Chosak) * Fix: Ensure that all descendant pages are logged when deleting a page, not just immediate children (Jake Howard) * Fix: Refactor `FormPagesListView` in wagtail.contrib.forms to avoid undefined `locale` variable when subclassing (Dan Braghis) * Fix: Page copy in Wagtail admin ignores `exclude_fields_in_copy` (John-Scott Atlakson) * Fix: Translation key `IntegrityError` when publishing pages with translatable `Orderable`s that were copied without being published (Kalob Taulien, Dan Braghis) * Fix: Ignore `GenericRelation` when copying pages (John-Scott Atlakson) * Fix: Ensure 'next' links from image / document listings do not redirect back to partial AJAX view (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Skip creation of automatic redirects when page cannot be routed (Matt Westcott) * Fix: Prevent JS errors on locale switcher in page chooser (Matt Westcott) ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage: whitenoise from 6.0.0 to 6.2.0.
### 6.2.0 ``` ------------------ * Support Python 3.11. * Support Django 4.1. ``` ### 6.1.0 ``` ------------------ * Drop support for Django 2.2, 3.0, and 3.1. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: bleach from 4.1.0 to 5.0.1.
### 5.0.1 ``` ------------------------------- **Bugs** * Add missing comma to tinycss2 require. Thank you, shadchin! * Add url parse tests based on wpt url tests. (688) * Support scheme-less urls if "https" is in allow list. (662) * Handle escaping ``<`` in edge cases where it doesn't start a tag. (544) * Fix reference warnings in docs. (660) * Correctly urlencode email address parts. Thank you, larseggert! (659) ``` ### 5.0.0 ``` ------------------------------- **Backwards incompatible changes** * ``clean`` and ``linkify`` now preserve the order of HTML attributes. Thank you, askoretskly! (566) * Drop support for Python 3.6. Thank you, hugovk! (629) * CSS sanitization in style tags is completely different now. If you're using Bleach ``clean`` to sanitize css in style tags, you'll need to update your code and you'll need to install the ``css`` extras:: pip install 'bleach[css]' See `the documentation on sanitizing CSS for how to do it <>`_. (633) **Bug fixes** * Rework dev dependencies. We no longer have ````/``requirements-dev.txt``. Instead, we're using ``dev`` extras. See `development docs <>`_ for more details. (620) * Add newline when dropping block-level tags. Thank you, jvanasco! (369) ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: - Docs: Django from 3.2.13 to 3.2.14.
### 3.2.14 ``` =========================== *July 4, 2022* Django 3.2.14 fixes a security issue with severity "high" in 3.2.13. CVE-2022-34265: Potential SQL injection via ``Trunc(kind)`` and ``Extract(lookup_name)`` arguments ================================================================================================== :class:`Trunc() <django.db.models.functions.Trunc>` and :class:`Extract() <django.db.models.functions.Extract>` database functions were subject to SQL injection if untrusted data was used as a ``kind``/``lookup_name`` value. Applications that constrain the lookup name and kind choice to a known safe list are unaffected. =========================== ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage: django-allauth from 0.49.0 to 0.51.0.
### 0.51.0 ``` ******************* Note worthy changes ------------------- - New providers: Snapchat, Hubspot, Pocket, Clever. Security notice --------------- The reset password form is protected by rate limits. There is a limit per IP, and per email. In previous versions, the latter rate limit could be bypassed by changing the casing of the email address. Note that in that case, the former rate limit would still kick in. ``` ### 0.50.0 ``` ******************* Note worthy changes ------------------- - Fixed compatibility issue with setuptools 61. - New providers: Drip. - The Facebook API version now defaults to v13.0. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage: django-ckeditor from 6.2.0 to 6.4.2.
### 6.4.0 ``` ----- . Changed the context for the widget to deviate less from Django. Removed a few template variables which are not used in the bundled ``ckeditor/widget.html`` template. This only affects you if you are using a customized widget or widget template. . Dropped support for Python < 3.8, Django < 3.2. . Added a pre-commit configuration. . Removed the Travis CI configuration; Travis CI hasn't run our unit tests for months now. . Added a GitHub action for running tests. . Made selenium tests require opt in using a ``SELENIUM=firefox`` or ``SELENIUM=chromium`` environment variable. ``` ### 6.3.0 ``` ----- ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: django-enumfield from 2.0.2 to 3.0.
### 3.0.0 ``` - Move CI to GitHub Actions - Dropped support for Python < 3.7 - Dropped support for Django < 2.2 - Added support for Django 3.2 - Added support for Python 3.10 - Added support for Django 4.0 ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: django-filter from 21.1 to 22.1.
### 22.1 ``` ------------------------ * Update supported Python and Django versions: minimal Python is now 3.7, minimum Django is now 3.2. * Added testing for Python 3.10 and Django 4.1. * Removed outdated deprecated warnings for code removed in version 2.1. * The code base is now formatted with Black. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: easy-thumbnails from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2.
### 2.8.2 ``` ------------------ * Installation of easy-thumbnails now optionally depends on the reportlab library. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: - Docs: python-magic from 0.4.25 to 0.4.27.
### 0.4.27 ``` - remove spurious pyproject.toml that breaks source builds ``` ### 0.4.26 ``` - Use tox for all multi-version testing - Fix use of pytest, use it via tox ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: rules from 3.2.1 to 3.3.
### 3.3.0 ``` - Introduce type annotations for common APIs ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: django-debug-toolbar from 3.2.4 to 3.5.0.
### 3.5.0 ``` ------------------ * Properly implemented tracking and display of PostgreSQL transactions. * Removed third party panels which have been archived on GitHub. * Added Django 4.1b1 to the CI matrix. * Stopped crashing when ``request.GET`` and ``request.POST`` are neither dictionaries nor ``QueryDict`` instances. Using anything but ``QueryDict`` instances isn't a valid use of Django but, again, django-debug-toolbar shouldn't crash. * Fixed the cache panel to work correctly in the presence of concurrency by avoiding the use of signals. * Reworked the cache panel instrumentation mechanism to monkey patch methods on the cache instances directly instead of replacing cache instances with wrapper classes. * Added a :meth:`debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.ready` class method that panels can override to perform any initialization or instrumentation that needs to be done unconditionally at startup time. * Added pyflame (for flame graphs) to the list of third-party panels. * Fixed the cache panel to correctly count cache misses from the get_many() cache method. * Removed some obsolete compatibility code from the stack trace recording code. * Added a new mechanism for capturing stack traces which includes per-request caching to reduce expensive file system operations. Updated the cache and SQL panels to record stack traces using this new mechanism. * Changed the ``docs`` tox environment to allow passing positional arguments. This allows e.g. building a HTML version of the docs using ``tox -e docs html``. * Stayed on top of pre-commit hook updates. * Replaced ``OrderedDict`` by ``dict`` where possible. Deprecated features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``debug_toolbar.utils.get_stack()`` and ``debug_toolbar.utils.tidy_stacktrace()`` functions are deprecated in favor of the new ``debug_toolbar.utils.get_stack_trace()`` function. They will removed in the next major version of the Debug Toolbar. ``` ### 3.4.0 ``` ------------------ * Fixed issue of stacktrace having frames that have no path to the file, but are instead a string of the code such as ``'<frozen importlib._bootstrap>'``. * Renamed internal SQL tracking context var from ``recording`` to ``allow_sql``. ``` ### 3.3.0 ``` ------------------ * Track calls to :py:meth:`django.core.caches.cache.get_or_set`. * Removed support for Django < 3.2. * Updated check ``W006`` to look for ``django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader``. * Reset settings when overridden in tests. Packages or projects using django-debug-toolbar can now use Django’s test settings tools, like ``override_settings``, to reconfigure the toolbar during tests. * Optimize rendering of SQL panel, saving about 30% of its run time. * New records in history panel will flash green. * Automatically update History panel on AJAX requests from client. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: Faker from 13.3.2 to 13.15.1.
### 13.15.1 ``` * change license_formats `pt_BR` to match Mercosul. Thanks augutoraminelli. ``` ### 13.15.0 ``` * Upgrade person, company, internet, currency providers for `tr_TR`. Thanks keyiflerolsun. ``` ### 13.14.0 ``` * Fix `vat` and police id for `el_GR`. Thanks tplessas. * Add `tin` and `ssn` for `el_GR`. Thanks tplessas. ``` ### 13.13.1 ``` * Fix area codes for `fr_FR` phone numbers. Thanks zerbusdetroy. ``` ### 13.13.0 ``` * Add support for ISO 8601 timestamp profiles. Thanks tplessas. ``` ### 13.12.1 ``` * Correct RUT range in `es_CL`. Thanks nstuardod. ``` ### 13.12.0 ``` * Add support for generating relative file paths. Thanks Lukas0907. ``` ### 13.11.1 ``` * Fix firefox `ua` being nondeterministic with fixed seed. Thanks jhbuhrman. ``` ### 13.11.0 ``` * Add `sq-AL` automotive provider. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.10.0 ``` * Improve `it_IT` ssn provider to match real building rules. Thanks DamienPirsy. ``` ### 13.9.0 ``` * Add part-of-speech functionality for `en_US`. Thanks e-panourgia. ``` ### 13.8.0 ``` * Add `fr-FR` datetime provider. Thanks zerogonal. * Add `no-NO` datetime provider. Thanks zerogonal. * Add `zh-CN` datetime provider. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.7.0 ``` * Add automotive provider for `fi_FI`, `et_EE`, `lt_LT` and `vi_VN`. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.6.0 ``` * Add `ar_BH` automotive provider. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.5.0 ``` * Add Mexican CLABE bank code for `es_MX` locale. Thanks edgarrmondragon. ``` ### 13.4.0 ``` * Add `it_IT` automotive provider. Thanks Giorgionocera. ``` ### 13.3.5 ``` * Fix error in currency provider data. Thanks zerogonal. ``` ### 13.3.4 ``` * Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 (1631). Thanks dependabot[bot]. ``` ### 13.3.3 ``` * Fix factory selection when Faker has been seeded. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: flake8 from 4.0.1 to 5.0.2.
The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: pytest-factoryboy from 2.1.0 to 2.5.0.
### 2.5.0 ``` ---------- - Using a generic class container like ``dict``, ``list``, ``set``, etc. will raise a warning suggesting you to wrap your model using ``named_model(...)``. Doing this will make sure that the fixture name is correctly chosen, otherwise SubFactory and RelatedFactory aren't able to determine the name of the model. See `Generic Container Classes as models <>`_ `167 <>`_ - Fix ``Factory._after_postgeneration`` being invoked twice. `164 <>`_ `#156 <>`_ - Stack traces caused by pytest-factoryboy are now slimmer. `169 <>`_ - Check for naming conflicts between factory and model fixture name, and raise a clear error immediately. `86 <>`_ ``` ### 2.4.0 ``` ---------- - ``LazyFixture`` is now a Generic[T] type. - Simplify fixture generation (internal change). - Use poetry (internal change). ``` ### 2.3.1 ``` ---------- - Fix AttributeError when using LazyFixture in register(...) `159 <>`_ `#158 <>`_ ``` ### 2.3.0 ``` ---------- - Add support for ``factory.PostGenerationMethodCall`` `103 <>`_ `#87 <>`_. ``` ### 2.2.1 ``` ---------- - ``register()`` decorator now refuses kwargs after the initial specialization. This behaviour was mistakenly introduced in version 2.2.0, and it complicates the usage of the ``register`` function unnecessarily. For example, the following is not allowed anymore: .. code-block:: python INVALID register( _name="second_author", name="C.S. Lewis", )( AuthorFactory, register_user="cs_lewis", register_user__password="Aslan1", ) VALID register( AuthorFactory, _name="second_author", name="C.S. Lewis", register_user="cs_lewis", register_user__password="Aslan1", ) ``` ### 2.2.0 ``` ---------- - Drop support for Python 3.6. We now support only python >= 3.7. - Improve "debuggability". Internal pytest-factoryboy calls are now visible when using a debugger like PDB or PyCharm. - Add type annotations. Now ``register`` and ``LazyFixture`` are type annotated. - Fix `Factory._after_postgeneration <>`_ method not getting the evaluated ``post_generations`` and ``RelatedFactory`` results correctly in the ``result`` param. - Factories can now be registered inside classes (even nested classes) and they won't pollute the module namespace. - Allow the ``register`` decorator to be called with parameters: .. code-block:: python register register("other_author") class AuthorFactory(Factory): ... ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Docs: pytest from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2.
### 7.1.2 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `9726 <>`_: An unnecessary ``numpy`` import inside :func:`pytest.approx` was removed. - `9820 <>`_: Fix comparison of ``dataclasses`` with ``InitVar``. - `9869 <>`_: Increase ``stacklevel`` for the ``NODE_CTOR_FSPATH_ARG`` deprecation to point to the user's code, not pytest. - `9871 <>`_: Fix a bizarre (and fortunately rare) bug where the `temp_path` fixture could raise an internal error while attempting to get the current user's username. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage: